Questions tagged [source]

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19 votes
3 answers

Routing from docker containers using a different physical network interface and default gateway

Background Information I have a server with two network interfaces that is running Docker. Docker, like some virtualization tools, creates a Linux bridge interface called docker0. This interface is ...
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3 votes
1 answer

How to install PHP from source with latest cURL package on Linux?

I simply have to use the latest cURL version (7.21.3) with PHP on my webserver. (Has to do with specific bug fixes) It is not available by default on most current Linux variant repositories. (Natty ...
darkAsPitch's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Change source address based on destination IP

We have several "router" machines that gather a lot of external IP addresses on the same host and redirect, NAT or proxy the traffic to the internal network. They also act as routers for the machines ...
hgj's user avatar
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10 votes
4 answers

Uninstall ruby from source

I installed ruby 1.9 on my fedora 13 machine from source. I want to go back and use the older 1.8.6 (which I'll install with yum), unfortunetly it appears that I can't simply uninstall my current ...
vise's user avatar
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4 votes
13 answers

Source based distros vs Prebuilt package based distros

I wonder what is the general preference and where does it come from. Having used FreeBSD actively for a couple of years I'm leaning towards Gentoo, but I've had an unpleasant experience of wasting ...
Karolis T.'s user avatar
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3 votes
6 answers

How do we secure our source code?

Our source code is our most prized asset. I would like to have it: secured from proliferation by in-house developers but they also need unrestricted access to the code to do their job right. So I'm ...
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