Questions tagged [ssh-tunnel]

An SSH tunnel leverages the SSH protocol to transport unencrypted data through an encrypted connection.

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0 votes
1 answer

DNS issues with SSH tunnel accessing local domain name [closed]

The short question: I get a 5 second delay when accessing a local VM through a local domain name (fresh3.local), but not with localhost. Chrome says this is a DNS issue. Background: An Ubuntu server ...
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0 answers

How can I configure SSH on my laptop to use a Control Master on a remote gateway?

I have a server, let's call it server, which requires a 2FA authentication every time. So, I can set up ssh multiplexing to reduce the number of required authentication. However, I usually carry my ...
2 votes
1 answer

SSH known_hosts entry for port number and tunneling using @cert-authority

I've set up SSH certificate authority on my server, including a signed host key with the applicable principals. I've set up my local known_hosts file to recognize the certificate authority and when I ...
5 votes
2 answers

How to Configure Secure Connectivity between Multiple Subnets

I have the following setup 2 x linode vps 1 x lab (physical) running 4 vps My goal is to make it so all nodes act as if they are on the same LAN. This will allow me to alter IPTable rules, to allow ...
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0 answers

Unreasonably slow SSH tunnel - but just in the opposite direction

While setting up rsync to a remote computer, I realized that syncing from my laptop the remote was fast, but the opposite was slow. After some debugging and iperf3, I figured that this only happens ...
1 vote
1 answer

How to manage several "localhost" entries in ssh/config that only differ by port

So, I am operating in an environment where ssh is extremely limited. My simplest way to do anything is to actually channel ssh through a tunnel over aws session manager. So, here is a sample ...
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0 answers

SSH keeps timing out when trying to connect to remote server

I am trying to connect to a remote server via ssh. I have done it previously without any problem. However, recently, most of the time when I ping it, it just says "request timed out" - there ...
0 votes
0 answers

Can I access a WSL sshfs mounted location from windows explorer?

I have the following... xx@BigBoy:~ $sshfs -o IdentityFile=~/my.pem [email protected]:/home/ec2-user/my-drive/data efs xx@BigBoy:~ $ls -al efs/ total 12 ...
45 votes
6 answers

how to solve the "open failed: administratively prohibited: open failed" when using a SSH tunnel proxy

I've been using SSH tunnel for a while on Windows (using Putty). On Windows with putty, it is always fine, but on mac or cygwin, it sometimes prompts the warning message: open failed: ...
2 votes
2 answers

Autossh error with upstart script: ssh exited prematurely with status 0 [closed]

I have set up the following upstart script: # autossh description "autossh connections" start on started dbus stop on (runlevel [06] or stopped dbus) respawn respawn limit 5 60 # ...
3 votes
2 answers

Navicat failed to connect to server over ssh tunnel on ubuntu 16.04

I'm trying to connect my database in my ec2 instance running on Ubuntu 16.04 with Navicat. But it keeps coming with SSH: expected key exchange group packet from server. I have another instance running ...
2 votes
3 answers

Automate ssh port forwarding using DNS

I have a number of ssh hosts (a dozen), for simplicity host1, host2, etc. I frequently need to forward port, e.g. ssh -L 8888:localhost:8888 host1 ssh -L 8889:localhost:8888 host2 ssh -L 8890:...
0 votes
1 answer

SSH Permission denied (publickey) fails on Ubuntu but succeeds on MacOS

I have two machines, a MacOS and an Ubuntu. I have been working sucessfully on the MacOS, i.e. I can use my public key to connect via SSH to a server. However, when trying to use the same private &...
0 votes
1 answer

ssh multi hop tunnel (two hops) with ssh config and putty (or cygwin)

My Environment I have bastion server, deploy server, production server, redis server I want to port forward redis server using putty. local machine -> bastion -> deploy -> production -> ...
0 votes
0 answers

Docker app can't connect to external db server

I have a legacy dockerized grails app (grails 2.2.1), that is trying to connect to a remote postgres server (not part of docker) but I keep getting connection timeouts. I've tried several forwarding ...
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0 answers

SSH tunnel to access dual stack resources in AWS (IPv4 + IPv6)

I am trying to setup a Bastion and use it as an SSH proxy to access all my private resources in AWS. I am having hard time debugging why an SSH tunnel to a specific host with dual stack (IPv4 + IPv6) ...
0 votes
1 answer

WireGuard portforwarding setup

I need help with the following scenario: I have a small instance on AWS, which should accept all traffic from ports 1024:65535 and should send it to my local server. The local server shouldn't send ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to setup a SSH connection using a variable hostname provided by jump server

I want to create a .sshconfig file for the case where I need to connect to a login node (the jump server), get the hostname from that node by running a command, and then ssh to that hostname using the ...
5 votes
2 answers

Remote Desktop (App Store version) can't connect to localhost

OK we have a weird setup I know.. We create an SSH tunnel to our work network, then use RDP to connect to our workstations in the office. Our SSH client is setup to forward local post 1024 to our ...
0 votes
1 answer

SSH tunneling to avoid exposing an admin console

I'm running Lucee Server, a cold fusion server engine that in my case runs on Tomcat, on Apache. I'm looking into hardening it in various ways, and I'm running into a question about the SSH tunneling ...
1 vote
2 answers

Can you connect to a VPN through an SSH reverse tunnel?

Say I have two machines, both running Linux; Machine A is running a VPN server and is behind a NAT. Machine B is the VPN client. Machine A creates a reverse SSH tunnel from itself to Machine B, ...
0 votes
1 answer

VS Code Remote Development giving back error

I'm trying to connect my Vs code using SSH extension to my Debian VM on azure. I tried running the SSH connection on terminal and it's working fine ssh -i Desktop/Emdad/testing/magento-testing-key.pem ...
1 vote
1 answer

ssh proxyjump command to config file

I use a ssh command for logging into a remote node using an intermediate node via proxyjump. The remote and intermediate nodes are Linux servers, and my client is a Macbook. This command works, and it ...
12 votes
4 answers

Why does logging out of an SSH session hang when using port-forwarding?

I use dynamic SSH port-forwarding (-D) and normal SSH port-forwarding (-L or -R) for many different things, including adding a layer of encryption to my wireless web traffic. The command I use ...
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0 answers

Create SSH tunnel and route MySQL traffic through using NGINX reverse proxy

My company's goal is to route MySQL traffic through an SSH tunnel, but using a reverse proxy through NGINX. We created a Linux box in our Azure environment, but are struggling to complete the process. ...
2 votes
1 answer

ssh port forward connects to bastion instead of remote server

I am facing an issue when I try to connect to remote machine (which is behind bastion host) via ssh local port forwarding. I am looking for the connection flow: my laptop --> Bastion host --> ...
-2 votes
2 answers

the theory of SSH public and Private key and its application in realworld machines [closed]

there. In this question, I have a very specific one about public and private keys. So Public keys should be put on the opposite side. For example, if we have a server, the public key of the server ...
0 votes
0 answers

ssh to a server behind NAT without VPS being the bridge during communication

I currently can ssh through my localhost behind NAT using VPS as reverse SSH server. ssh -f -N -R 1234:localhost:22 user@[vps_ip] And I can do the following to connect to my localhost SSH server from ...
14 votes
3 answers

How to make ssh fail if port forwarding fails

I have a bash script that runs ssh to create a port forward, using a command like this: ssh -N -i keyfile -L 1000:localhost:22 *remote_ip* There are occasions where the listen port may be busy, so ...
0 votes
1 answer

SSHD: Dynamic deny port forwarding

From the current ssh session on a server, what -L params did the client specify? I am trying to build a jumphost using sshd that can be used for port forwarding. The goal is to be able to get into a ...
0 votes
1 answer

how can I use iptables to forward (or redirect) traffic from one ip port to another specific IP port?

The prerequisite is: HostA: (can access public machine, can't access hostA and hostB) CentOS 7 HostB: (private machine, I can login, and it can access hostA and hostC, ) CentOS 7 HostC:...
0 votes
0 answers

Autossh with jump server

I have 3 hosts: Local, Jump and Server I can connect to through jump easily enough using the -J option everything works fine using standard SSH. However I want to connect using autossh as the Local ...
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0 answers

Decrypt remote file securely with local private key

I've created a alldots.tar file mainly with dot config files from my local server. I then transferred it to my other (remote) server and there it is, cryptographed. It didn't occur at the time of ...
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0 answers

Reverse proxy with ssh tunnels

Please help with the following situation: I need to access an internal site that can be accessed only from an authenticated user&computer from the internal network. No additional software can be ...
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0 answers

SSH Dynamic proxy very slow, keeps opening more channels

I am attempting to access a networked http resource from outside the network by using SSH with the -D flag. I'm using the command ssh -v -ND 8090 svr, and svr is set up as a host in the hostsfile. The ...
45 votes
6 answers

ssh tunneling only access

Is it possible to configure ssh (on linux) to allow access for tunneling only? Ie user can setup tunnels but cannot get a shell/access files?
0 votes
1 answer

PuTTY Reverse Tunnel to MySQL

I have: A local Windows 10 PC running MySQL Server 8.0.33 on port 33060. A remote Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS VPS running MySQL Server 8.0.33 on port 3306. I want to create a reverse tunnel using PuTTY on my ...
0 votes
1 answer

Why does the login node connect to external networks but allocated compute node fail in Slurm-GCP?

I've noticed that connecting to the internet from the allocated compute node via Slurm-GCP keeps failing. For example, using wget from the login node works successfully: [me@gcp-login0 ~]$ wget https:/...
4 votes
1 answer

Virtmanager connection via custom SSH command?

I'd like to use virt-manager to manage my libvirt/kvm virtual machines running on a remote host, but the method I use to ssh into that host it a bit complicated. I need to use custom ports along with ...
-1 votes
2 answers

How can I setup an SSH tunnel from local Windows 10 to remote Ubuntu?

I have installed Visual C++ 2015 for Linux. What this does is, it takes a server name, a port number, a username, and a password, then connects to the remote machine, compiles a C++ program inside ...
4 votes
3 answers

SSH Tunnel for Remote Desktop via Intermediary Server

I've seen many examples of SSH tunnels on the nets, but I'm still having no luck with this. Here's the setup: Windows 7 PC in a private network, sitting behind a firewall, with PowerShellInsider SSH ...
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0 answers

how to get ssh user traffic usage after session closed

I have openssh service on server side for tunneling and everything is OK. but i need to know how much a user downloaded from the server after every ssh session is closed. some guys suggested NetHogs ...
2 votes
1 answer

SSH Config based on ssh command with port forwarding

I'm trying to convert the following SSH command on a SSH File entry. My command is as follows: ssh -i identity-file.pem -L [email protected] -N An this is the current ...
2 votes
1 answer

systemd service produces Exec format error

I have created the following systemd service to automatically keep an autossh tunnel open between two servers: #Systemd unit file for autossh [Unit] Description=Autossh Tunnel [Service] Type=forking ...
1 vote
2 answers

sshuttle automate service runs with error

I have written a service as it was given in this question but when I run the service I get only error in status. service: GNU nano 6.2 /etc/systemd/...
1 vote
3 answers

Pass HTTPS certificates from downstream servers through NGINX proxy to client

I have a fleet of Ubuntu edge computers that host simple web HMI servers. Many are behind dynamic IPs where port forwarding is unavailable. So, to access them each uses autossh to create a reverse ...
1 vote
0 answers

How to Chain Proxies With Auth (Proxychain?)

I have my Kali local machine (A). I can SSH into another server (B) and use the proxy settings in Iceweasel or use proxychains to visit 10.2.x.x addresses. However I can not access a machine (C) on a ...
1 vote
2 answers

SSH tunnel throws an error: bind [ip]:801: Cannot assign requested address channel_setup_fwd_listener_tcpip: cannot listen to port: 801

If I forward the port from the server to my localhost (I used my web server on apache on my other virtual machine as the server for forwarding), then everything turns out without problems. ssh -L 801:...
0 votes
0 answers

SSHFS performance tanks, why?

I have two Ubuntu 22.10 computers connected one to another via SSHFS. When I copy small files there is no problem but... once I start copying several gigabytes of data at a time, the performance sinks ...
2 votes
1 answer

How to restart sshuttle automatically

I am using sshuttle to route some traffic automatically via an ssh jump server. It works well but in some situations i.e. switching to another Wifi network the connection breaks an i'll have to ...

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