Questions tagged [ssrs-2012]

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3 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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SSRS Report Builder Error: Target Principal name is incorrect

Here is our problem, when using SSRS Report Builder we are able to successfully connect to our data source with no errors, but when we try to connect to a data set we get the following error. ...
Gene's user avatar
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How can I use a value returned from one dataset to build a query for a different dataset, in SSRS?

I'm using SQL Server Report Builder 3.0 to create a report. I have two tables and I want to look up a value in one table and then use that to select a value from the second table. Example as follows: ...
Potatan's user avatar
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SSRS 2012 ODBC Driver architecture mismatch on remote computer, works locally

I have an SSRS 2012 server (Windows 2012) with Ingres ODBC drivers installed, ODBC entries have been configured in the 32 bit (SysWOW64) ODBC manager. Reports ran locally on the server run without a ...
dansh's user avatar
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