Questions tagged [static-files]

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Django + Nginx + Gunicorn - Static files not found

I'm using Django+Gunicorn+Nginx for my web application in a Ubuntu 22.04.4 server. I followed this guide until the end and my web is running in production. However, static files are not working (css, ...
pfrud's user avatar
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403 Server failed to authenticate the request. Make sure the value of Authorization header is formed correctly including the signature

I was told that I can serve static content (.pdf and .docx documents) from Azure. First I have tried to get list of my PDFs from this "Blob SAS URL" link: GET https://testtestsitweu.blob....
ilhan's user avatar
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Nginx reverse proxy not loading static files under sub application correctly [duplicate]

I have a server hosting multiple .NET Core applications on different ports, with nginx reverse proxy setup to redirect users to the correct application via URL. The current setup is as followed: ...
Jeff Do's user avatar
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Is possible return a static page in https virtual host using lighttpd?

It seems like redirect is not done. If I put URL https://test2/static_page in browser it works but if I put https://test1 don't redirect SERVER["socket"] == ":443" { $HTTP["...
Aprendiz's user avatar
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NGINX file server with symlinks

This is a bit of a beginner question, but I'm trying to make Nginx serve a static file server that contains symlinked folders. Eg, the root directory might contain directories A and B, which each ...
ak0000's user avatar
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Apache2 - How to serve static files on a specific folder?

I have 2 virtual hosts serving 2 different sites in my Ubuntu Server 20.04 both in port 80 and 443. I want to use the same server to serve some static files for download on a custom port, let's say ...
Vinicius Franco's user avatar
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NGINX - reverse proxy but one subfolder to static local directory

I'm having trouble figuring out the basic syntax for proxying most traffic to a local Solr install but leaving one path/dir requests being sent to a static html directory. Do all secondary, tertiary, ...
Tyndall's user avatar
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Temporary redirects (302, 307) on a static site, frequently updated

Optional background (to avoid the XY problem): I'm working on a static site which will contain URLs likeążka/. The problem with those URLs is that when you share them / paste to an ...
automaciej's user avatar
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Nginx static files caching from different folders

The problem is nginx does not display images and shows 404 not found on some folders. When i remove caching from config everything works fine. Trying to configure nginx to cache static files with this ...
merdan's user avatar
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nginx serve static files AND reverse proxy

I want the browser to be in constant communication (websocket) with my backend servers as they are constantly receiving data. But I also want static files to be served to them by nginx. In other words,...
Normajean's user avatar
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Nginx location block for static content without listing every extension?

I need to add cache policy to my static content. Initially, I had manually listed all the extensions I deemed static, which is what almost every answer suggests: location ~* \.(jpeg|jpg|gif|png|ico|...
ᴍᴇʜᴏᴠ's user avatar
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Is it possible to define "excludes" for check-static in uwsgi settings?

I have an application which I don't want to modify. It has multiple directories with static files which are defined as static via check-static directive in uwsgi's .ini-file. My problem is that each ...
strizhechenko's user avatar
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Nginx alias not working on https but working on http

I hope this is going to be a relatively simple one but I'm stumped and searching through potential solutions haven't helped. I am looking to serve a static (ads.txt) file for my Ghost droplet on ...
phrasingboom's user avatar
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We are migrating our wordpress to static site. That is creating over 400,000 folders within 1 folder. Is there any limit to the number of sub-folders?

Our wordpress web site is several years old and has many posts indexed and ranking well on google. With any serious traffic my wordpress server tanks - and this happens even after several rounds of ...
Muhammad Ebrahym's user avatar
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htaccess not redirecting images?

I'm trying to force all content to use HTTPS. I added the following rule to my htaccess: RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-Forwarded-Proto} =http RewriteRule ^.*$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{...
nute's user avatar
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s3 static site: Amazon using wrong bucket

I'm setting up a static site, hosted on S3, using this set of directions: I've set my bucket up with the name ...
tjb74's user avatar
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Mixing private and public static files in AWS is either fully private or fully public

I am trying to move my static assets to AWS. I am following many blog posts but most of all this one:
Micromegas's user avatar
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Any way to reduce redundant location block codes in Nginx config?

Is it possible to DRY a bunch of location blocks in Nginx with the exact same configuration, just different routes? Take a look at the following snippet off my Nginx .conf, for instance: location / { ...
TheLearner's user avatar
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Unable to serve NextJS static assets through Nginx

I have a NextJS app running on port 3000 and I have a test.ico file located at the following location: /static/images/icons/ I want this file to be served off the root rather than the actual path. I ...
TheLearner's user avatar
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What does rsync status code 3072 mean?

I'm using the static site generator Nanoc, with rsync locally and on the (ancient Ubuntu) server so I can deploy from the command line. It's been awhile since I last used rsync for this site but I'm ...
Dave Everitt's user avatar
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How to manage static content for high-loaded website via nginx?

My understanding is that nginx is well-suited for serving static content. But i can't find any information with regard to how well it's for serving very big amount of static content. Let's say i use ...
jerichofs's user avatar
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nginx static files served on server using curl, but not to browser on remote machine

I'm working my way through my first nginx / gunicorn / flask deployment using a stock Amazon Lightsail Ubuntu server. At this point, I'm ignoring gunicorn and flask, and just trying to get nginx to ...
Larry Lustig's user avatar
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Nginx Subdirectory returning 404

I currently have a bunch of working static files at the domain name (from NameCheap). Recently, I've tried setting up a subdirectory ( as seen in the code below; ...
Khairul SIt's user avatar
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Nginx: disable caching if page contains the word

I am using nginx as a reverse proxy. Is it possible somehow to access response page content as a variable to disable caching for a pages that have specific word in content (not in header) WITHOUT ...
POMATu's user avatar
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nginx serving static files doesn't work properly with comma character

Summary: Static files are publishing in /path/to/root , If the request is not in the static folders, the request sending @a1 location block. Static files; /path/to/root/folder/folder1,111/index....
Abdullah Ceylan's user avatar
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img 404 using Nginx, Docker, Django, Digital Ocean

For some reason, my CSS, JS, and Font-Awesome static assets are recognized and serving properly, but my img static files are showing 404 errors in the Nginx Docker container logs. Everything works ...
Taylor Parrish's user avatar
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Nginx: / for both static content and proxied application my site the proxied backend I'm trying to setup an nginx server block as both a static content server and a reverse proxy. Nginx should first check for static ...
Charles's user avatar
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How to serve a huge static and pregenerated website?

My current web project has the following characteristics: A website which is basically a read-only archive of information. There are no interactive actions a visitor could do. All pages (currently ...
JFo's user avatar
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Web application serving static files using Docker on multiple hosts

Before Docker we normally had a NFS server on a separate host(s) and then mounted it on nginx and app hosts, so that nginx instances could serve static files created by web app and app worker ...
Andy's user avatar
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Express.js fails to serve all static files on heroku

there, I have a little problem with node.js and express on heroku. I have a node.js server that loads up my index.html page and other resources: process.env.PWD = process.cwd(); var express = require(...
TheDude Alex Nuzum's user avatar
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Fresh Ubuntu 16.04 Nginx Configuration is Serving Old Static Files

I have a very basic landing page for a domain of mine. For the last couple days I have been fighting a very peculiar issue. For example, the directory contains: vanilla> ./files/ ./index....
Purlek's user avatar
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Nginx does not serve large files

When trying to download a large file (not sure what size is enough, trying to download 5Gb), connection is stuck: $ wget --verbose -O /dev/null --2016-12-14 12:52:38-- ...
Andrey's user avatar
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Why does nginx raise a 404 when it tries to acess static files on a FreeBSD server?

I've got nginx 1.8.1 on a server running FreeBSD 10.2. I'm trying to serve files from a subdirectory of /usr/local/www/ (which is default on FreeBSD), but for some reason, requests to the files I'm ...
Jules's user avatar
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Nginx fails to direct to https server block on same domain

I'm attempting to serve a static file using nginx over https. Setup DNS correctly points subdomain to AWS IP: -> correct IP Working config I've found the following ...
Jacob Young's user avatar
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Reverse proxy application and its static files with Nginx

I am trying to do something that seems to me very simple but I must be stupid or miss something very obvious because I cannot figure it out. I want to access the multiple web applications running on ...
aallrd's user avatar
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Apache HTTPD: URL resolution for a virtual host with proxies and directory alias

Here's what my environment looks like: REST api (django), running over WSGI (mod_wsgi) on port http://server:8107/api static files for the API site (i have some admin pages), in a directory, say /opt/...
Olivier H's user avatar
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nginx 403 when serving static files + reverse proxy

I'm trying to serve a node app through nginx, but first attempt to serve static files that may be in a /public folder. I've got that much working -- but when accessing domain.tld/ or the index of ...
Mike Shito's user avatar
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Nginx serving index.html fine, but requests for assets are bad

i have the following nginx config: server { listen 80; listen [::]:80; listen 443; listen [::]:443; server_name; ...
Idefixx's user avatar
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Nginx FastCGI not caching static files?

I configure fastCGI to cache with NginX. It work with .php file, but i can't cache static file like .jpg, .mp4... My infomation when check with cURL: curl -I HTTP/1.1 ...
dvthanh's user avatar
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Nginx serving static files via Unicorn upstream (tcp)

I'm trying to create a rails app with load balancer. App is running but I don't know how to serve static files. All examples assume that nginx and unicorn running on the same machine. Here is the ...
mef_'s user avatar
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Nginx: Serve PHP files from defined location only

I have an AngularJS app in /home/app/front and a PHP backend in /home/app/back. Now I would like to serve static files from / and PHP from /api/v1/ I tried the following config with no success. Nginx ...
Aley's user avatar
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IIS 8.5 Serve file with no extension from particular folder

I have some files that have been uploaded to a folder called /Download however the have no extension e.g. File1 I have tried adding a /Download/Web.Config file with the following specified <?xml ...
bUKaneer's user avatar
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Building a high performance file server using SSD as cache

I want to build a file server that serves ~50 TB of content to its users. To maximize the server's throughput, I'm going to utilize the follow scenario. 50 TB of HDD storage. All of the static files ...
Sadjad's user avatar
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Staticfiles for Django cannot be located on IIS 8

I have a Django 1.7 website configured on IIS 8 platform. The staticfiles are kept in a folder generated after running collectstatic command. As mentioned in the tutorials I have made that folder a ...
Zain Khan's user avatar
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refreshing Expires daily

I'm operating a website on which the (static) content is generated once daily. This allows setting the expires setting to "modification plus 1 day". (I'm running apache with mod_expires.) Most files ...
Kritzefitz's user avatar
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Why my browser wouldn't load all image resources at once?

I am trying to optimize the loading time of a webpage. Currently, the main http request can be done in under a second, however, the consenquent loading of images seems "to cascade": http://picpaste....
Enuy's user avatar
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How to serve specific static files with nginx?

I have queries like /api/lang?lang=en which I want to serve with nginx as /server/i18n-angular/en.json. How can I do that? I have the following directory structure: /public/ /server/i18n-angular/en....
Barney Szabolcs's user avatar
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How to serve static files with apache on openshift official python cartridge?

I have scalable openshift online app with official python-2.7 cartridge. By default everything is served with mod_wsgi handler. How do I configure my app and/or Apache to serve some static files in my ...
RSSCake's user avatar
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Serve static files from directory depending on http referrer inside of nginx [closed]

My server hosts images, but the content of images have to be different for the same link and have to deepens on http referrer. For example: Website 1 load image website1.jpg from
user2721435's user avatar
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IIS returns 404 when trying to access static files on certain file types

I have a specific file type of .notebook that IIS is blocking. I tried going into request filtering and adding .notebook with allow set to true, but I still get the 404. Anything else in this folder ...
Jhorra's user avatar
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