Questions tagged [tun]

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119 votes
11 answers

Should I use tap or tun for openvpn?

What are the differences between using dev tap and dev tun for openvpn? I know the different modes cannot inter-operate. What is the technical differences, other then just layer 2 vs 3 operation. ...
Thomaschaaf's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

openvpn: connection established, can't ping server tun interface (debian server, windows & os x clients)

My goal: I want to set up openVPN on a vServer from the company netcup, running Debian squeeze. I only want a VPN connection from client to server; clients should not be able to see each other, also ...
hreimer's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

openvpn: after changing to server mode, client does not create TUN device

I had a previously working configuration with the config files used in a previous question However, I've changed this now to the following configuration using server mode, everything on the logs seem ...
lurscher's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Route all traffic through TUN interface

I want all my traffic go through TUN interface. So, as you can see, the traffic is routed to TUN iface on address from every program. Then, the program attached to the TUN does something ...
thedenisnikulin's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Setup openvpn as interface device only

I just setup OpenVPN client using this guide on The Geek Stuff But now (somewhat as expected) all my traffic is routed through the VPN. I actually just want to set up the interface device. Does ...
Jelle De Loecker's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

tun/tap works on incoming or outgoing packet?

When we create a tun virtual interface we use read and write to read and write packets from/into network stack. My question is when we use .read, we are actually reading outgoing packets (the packets ...
AMIR's user avatar
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