Questions tagged [ucc]

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21 votes
5 answers

Listing domains on a UCC/SAN SSL Certificate

Is there a way to list all domains on an SAN/UCC SSL Certificate (ideally using command line on linux/os x)? Clearly there must be some way to extract the data, since browsers can do it. ...
Jordan Reiter's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

How do SaaS services provide SSL for the people with "personalized" domains?

so, I'm was discussing with a friend about SaaS websites and SSL certificates and neither of us could explain how do a E-commerce or any service that would allow a costumer to have their own domains ...
Jonathan DS's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Drawbacks/Disadvantages UCC/UC Multiple Domain SSL Certificates?

I am thinking about transitioning a number of websites over to using a UC or Multiple Domain SSL certificate. I guess I'm just wondering what the drawbacks are. So far the only ones I can find are ...
Jordan Reiter's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

setup multiple ssl certs on Amazon EC2 instance running on ubuntu 10.04

I need to secure 2 different domains that are both on the same EC2 instance. Reason: 1 is a sales website. the other is the webapp. Both need to access the same MySQL database. EDIT Sales website ...
Kim Stacks's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Cannot disable SNI on Windows Server 2012

I have two different 'families' of related sites, each with their own UCC certificate on the same server. I'm hosting them on the same IIS server, using one IP address for each family. Both UCC ...
Simon's user avatar
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Clarification of Godaddy UCC SSL on multiple servers [closed]

After reading UCC SSL certificate across multiple machines and IPs I have follow up questions. The first server is running with a GoDaddy UCC SSL. I would like to use for www....
azngunit81's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

UCC SSL certificate across multiple machines and IPs

I have some doubts concerning the UCC certificates. From what I understand, they can be used to offer SSL to several domains using only 1 certificate file. However, in all sites that I search, UCC ...
thyandrecardoso's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to install UCC GoDaddy SSL Certificate on Amazon EC2 ELB

I've read through this: Install SSL on Amazon Elastic Load Balancer with GoDaddy Wildcard Certificate but am still a bit unsure. I have a subdomain: that is pointed to an ELB in ...
Shamoon's user avatar
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2 answers

SSL on Multiple Sites, 1 IP, Different Certificates, UCC not an option

We are looking to set up a cloud solution for one of our systems, but we need multiple TLD SSL's We are only allowed 5 public IP's Can't use UCC/Wildcard Certs since each client has own cert and ...
Albert's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Is a good idea to use a SSL UCC certificate for two different but related web sites?

There are two e-commerce sites on the same Apache server, moreover they share the same Drupal installation with common users and products. They differ for domain name and for aspect but are ...
alez's user avatar
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1 vote
0 answers

Outlook Internet Security Warning with UCC w/ Subject Alternative Names

I installed a certificate on the mail server with Subject Alternative Names. Thunderbird does not throw any warnings but when an Outlook 2007 client connects, it throws a warning titled, "Internet ...
garg's user avatar
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1 answer

How to generate CSR for multi-domain (UCC) purchased SSL certificate?

I have a set up for 4 domains/subdomains running on 4 Nginx servers on 4 different instances: I have purchased UCC Multiple ...
user160870's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How many UCC SSL Certificates (or Server Alternate Name Certificate) can be installed on one server?

How many UCC SSL Certificates (or Subject Alternative Name Certificate) can we install on our server? We're looking to whitelabel our app such that those rebranding our web app (potentially 100+ ...
user1480948's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Configuring UCC GoDaddy SSL Certificate in IIS 7.5

PLATFORM We have a Windows Server 2008 R2 server with IIS7.5 and we host a number of our client's websites. OBJECTIVE We need to configure two domains: and to make use of an ...
Jacques's user avatar
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Trust level of local domains on public UCC

Are local domain names trusted on a public UCC (Unified Communications Certificate)? I want to use it for my 2008R2 RD Gateway and RD Web environment. The certificate should also be trusted when ...
Angelo's user avatar
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1 answer

generate exchange CSR , exchange 2007 UCC. SSL CERT

I want to make sure I am going this correctly. machine name: win2k8ex1. certificate: common name: subject alternative domains: WIN2K8EX1 WIN2K8EX1.x....
Jeff's user avatar
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Generate CSR in Haproxy to use UCC SSL Certificate

I think there are a simple answer for this but I don't find it. We have a haproxy server running and some ssl certificates working fine for some sites, normally I generate the csr with this command(in ...
Julio's user avatar
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Exchange 2010 SP1 and RDG (Remote Desktop Gateway role) and VPN (Remote Access Server role) all on one box, in DMZ?

We're finding that RDG (Remote Desktop Gateway role) and VPN (Remote Access Server role) and Exchange roles do not want to play nice on one Server 2008 R2 machine. For this reason we've moved to ...
BabakBani's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Single UCC certificate on a server for SSL connections to various web sites on different servers

Background Currently we have some servers that are going to give service to a certain region, thus they have their own unshared users, although we need to establish a secure connection in order to ...
user1139406's user avatar
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lighttpd with multiple IPs, each with a UCC certificate and many hostnames

I'd like to get lighttpd working with UCC certificates, but I can't seem to figure out the correct syntax. Essentially, for each IP address, I have one UCC certificate and a bunch of hostnames. $...
David's user avatar
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