Questions tagged [uptime]

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1 vote
2 answers

Diagnose why server went down

I have a couple of Asp.Net web apps running a Windows Server 2008 R2 VPS. We have been using this VPS for years. Since the last few months, we have had our apps go down for 30-45 mins. This doesn't ...
1 vote
4 answers

Server Load very high despite CPU usage being low

When I run the top command I get this top - 23:20:50 up 1:25, 1 user, load average: 11.02, 11.20, 10.41 Tasks: 262 total, 3 running, 258 sleeping, 1 stopped, 0 zombie Cpu(s): 75.6%us, 6.1%...
0 votes
2 answers

monit displays false number from my uptime script

I've wrote a script for fetch real uptime and display in monit. But I think it displays just exit error status. My uptime script is: #!/bin/sh uptime=`uptime | awk -F " " '{print $3}'` echo $uptime ...
2 votes
1 answer

php APC uptime problem

I am on LAMP with Alternative PHP Cache. It worked fine until yesterday when I updated the website and changed a few mySQL queries (I don't see the how it would affect APC opcode cache) Today I see ...
4 votes
4 answers

How can you tell if a server is down?

Let's say I am getting no connection to a website over http, ie. "Oops! Google Chrome could not connect to x" returns in a browser. What steps can I take to determine if the server is completely ...
4 votes
2 answers

Command / Method to find the up-time of SSH server daemon & Nginx

I am looking for a method / Linux command to get the up-time of the open-ssh server and Nginx server running on my Ubuntu system. I want to know the up-time for calculating some internal statistics. I ...
1 vote
2 answers

How to verify promised uptime before hiring a server?

I've been bitten by this too many times. You find a well known hosting provider, read comparative reviews (and pass by on any company that has influence in those review), they promise 99.99% uptime, ...
0 votes
5 answers

suggest web server monitoring service [closed]

Please, suggest web server(web site, web hosting) monitoring service. It should : - be online - monitor from different locations - monitor uptime, response time etc. - have alerts
2 votes
1 answer

Considering no website/service is 100% up, how do systems measure web downtime with precision?

I think the title speaks for itself. But, to give an example: In a recent post, 37 signals show it's real downtime and compares with other web services. They get very few down time and probably most ...
-2 votes
2 answers

DNS no longer works after server reboot [closed]

Strangely enough, when I reboot my Ubuntu 12.04 server, the DNS no longer works, which makes the domain unavailable to access to my site. Normally the DNS should be working after a reboot, but this ...
0 votes
1 answer

Is there a pingdom-like service that has hosts in Asia and South America [closed]

I am looking for a remote monitoring service, similar to pingdom, that has more global reach. Right now pingdom only has coverage for North America and Europe. Does anyone know of a competing service ...
0 votes
5 answers

Monitor Windows workstation uptimes

I need a simple setup to monitor the usage of several Windows 7 machines in our office. Nothing fancy, I just need to know when they are turned on and off, and ideally have an overview of daily uptime ...
2 votes
4 answers

nginx: how to load a new conf file witout restarting nginx

I made a new conf file in sites-available (and linked it in sites-enabled) and now I want to "install" that conf file without resetting the nginx server. As root, I can run nginx -c file.conf since ...
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4 answers

System Uptime Monitors

I am looking for reviews and suggestions a an online service such as I need a service or system that can monitor the following and provide me daily emails and monthly ...
1 vote
3 answers

Self uptime monitor?

Is there an app or a technique i can use to self monitor a server? For a technique i was thinking of writing a log file every minute and clearing them every hour marking down every minute my app did ...
1 vote
2 answers

Uptime Monitoring solution that opens a constant socket connection?

I want to monitor some servers and some of them have the potential of having very unstable connectivity. This is because they are located in office locations that only have consumer internet access. ...
1 vote
3 answers

Do these server uptime 'pinging' services really do anything special?

Other than pinging a particular endpoint like to see if my website server is returning, do these server monitoring (ping) type services offer anything else? I'm just thinking it is cheaper to get a ...
1 vote
2 answers

Keeps "SSH timeout" error in our AWS instance- how do i diagnose?

I am befuddled by this error. We keep failing to SSH into our AWS instance, whether it is is deployment or via console. I have tried rebooting a few times, but it does not seem to be helping. Here ...
-1 votes
1 answer

What is the most stable AWS EC2 region? [closed]

I'm wondering if anyone has compiled any stats about which region in AWS has experienced the fewest outages, and/or has the best uptime percentage? From my very anecdotal experience US-East-1 (the ...
2 votes
3 answers

Is it possible to guarantee 100% uptime in redundant hosting servers inside a cloud computing structure?

I'm interested in find a hosting that can offer really 100% of uptime. Is it possible in hosting servers inside a cloud computing structure?
0 votes
2 answers

Verifying hosted VOIP PBX uptime

For the second time, I'm outsourcing my VOIP hosting to a provider, whom I have to trust their sales pitch of 45 minutes down per 365 days. Is there an automated way I can test their server(s) ...
0 votes
1 answer

Fake Server Uptime (Linux/Windows) [closed]

Is it possible to fake the server uptime in any way (throttling the time).?(Linux/Windows). I guess it will cause serious troubles, still just wondering. -Cheers
0 votes
2 answers

Check status of links to pages posted on my site

When people post links on my site, I kinda want to just make sure that the website they link to is active and not dead. How can I check this? I was thinking to use meta data or title but I don't ...
4 votes
3 answers

How do I handle post-mortems/incident reporting with Nagios?

I just started using Nagios and I like that my team can acknowledge problems, but I haven't yet found a way to log the solutions that are used to correct the problems. Is there a tool that logs ...
2 votes
3 answers

DNS Round Robin only if one goes down?

I've got two servers, equal capabilities in terms of processing power and load. What I am trying to accomplish is this: (I already own and run DNS servers so this shoudln't be a problem). Server A ...
2 votes
1 answer

What does the suffix 'w' and 'd' mean with 'TIME+' in top?

Here's a chunk of the top from my server: PID USER PR NI VIRT RES SHR S %CPU %MEM TIME+ COMMAND 18878 www-data 20 0 200m 13m 4704 S 0 0.2 0:00.07 apache2 12374 ...
0 votes
4 answers

Difference between a ping and a GET request? [closed]

What is the difference between a ping and a get request? The goal is to see if the site is up.
2 votes
5 answers

Reinstalling Linux: how to avoid downtime?

My website runs on a dedicated Debian LAMP server . I would like to update the system (let's say I have a pretty old Debian version and I want to reinstall everything from scratch) What strategy can ...
0 votes
2 answers

How Can Linux Top Show 2% Idle, but Load Say 1.20?

On CentOS5, I'm seeing the 'top' command showing a hover between 20% and 2% idle, but then the load says 1.20. How can that be possible? When I type 'uptime', as well, I see 3 load numbers that are ...
6 votes
7 answers

Detecting restart since last run in a shell script on Linux?

What's the best way to tell from a shell script if the host has restarted since the last time the script was run? I can think of storing the uptime in a file on each run, and checking if it has ...
11 votes
7 answers

Uptime Monitoring Every Second - Bad For the Server?

I'm wondering if there's avantages of checking if a server is UP by doing a "HTTP GET Request" every second? Can any server handle it?
4 votes
3 answers

Reasonably-priced, multiple endpoint heartbeat software

We've got four servers in use for a mission-critical application that all need constant connectivity to each other--six always-up connections in total. I need a way to monitor these connections and ...
2 votes
3 answers

"uptime" and "who" disagreeing

I've got an Ubuntu server that's exhibiting a somewhat strange behavior. uptime reports the following: 07:48:10 up 627 days, 21:19, 3 users, load average: 0.04, 0.01, 0.00 w reports: 21:59:25 up ...
3 votes
2 answers

Exposing server uptime a potential security vulnerability?

I run a browser-based game and as part of a page with a bunch of game statistics, I have the server uptime listed. It's currently at 177 days and so someone mentioned to me that I shouldn't do this ...
2 votes
4 answers

Question regarding uptime strategy for website

I'm working on a website where we need to have a good deal of uptime. Specially in the short bursts (15-day periods) that the website's events happen. The page is dead simple and can be served ...
0 votes
3 answers

requirement for monthly uptime and system performance

Management wants uptime and system performance data monthly (CPU) for our systems which consist of a mixture of linux/unix/windows machines. Anything out there that might provide this information? ...
1 vote
3 answers

Should I leave my hosting provider

I have my website hosted with a hosting provider and they have recently had a serious outage. So at the moment it is at 48 hours and counting where I can't access email, http or ftp. I'm obviously ...
2 votes
3 answers

Is reading the HTTP GET response enough to know if the server is up?

I want to make sure the site is UP and running. Is reading the HTTP GET Response enough? What does services like PingDom test?
0 votes
1 answer

What problems can I have by pinging or making a HTTP request to a website every minute?

What problems do I have to think before creating a monitoring system like pingdom, etc?
1 vote
1 answer

May I use CDN for whole website (PHP, Apache, MySQL) or just for images and CSS, JS files?

May I use CDN for whole website (PHP, Apache, MySQL) or just for images and CSS, JS files? What's the best choice > cloud-hosting or dedicated-hosting? Does CDN has that support? Witch hosting you ...
2 votes
3 answers

Is there a Ruby, Python or open source way to monitor uptime?

Is there a Ruby, Python or open source uptime monitor like PingDom, etc?
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2 answers

service uptime guarantee calculation

I have a web system. I need to calculate the up time of the whole system. I have load balance (in the moment without virtual ip and redundant load balance), one database. Two servers as cluster. ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to add a string to every file opened in Apache

I have a lot of domains and it's getting hard to manage so I want to add a string to the end of every file opened in Apache so I can request any domain if check if the string is there so I will know ...
0 votes
3 answers

Help, my CentOS servers keep going down , No route to host after a random uptime

I have a couple of Centos linux servers, that have a very simple task, they run nginx + fastcgi for php , and some NFS mounts between them, readonly They have some RPC commands to start some ...
0 votes
2 answers

How To Perform Distributed Website Monitoring?

I would like to know how sites like the following perform distributed website monitoring (from multiple checkpoints/countries).,,,, etc, etc. To ...
3 votes
0 answers

How to monitor Flash applets?

We created a fancy Flash application for a customer and deployed it. The server itself is monitored by the hosting company, but is there any external monitoring service that works well with Flash ...
2 votes
2 answers

Lifetime of IIS worker process or AppDomain

I have an ASP.NET app hosted in IIS, and I have automatic worker process recycling/shutdown disabled. I'd like to have a rough idea of how long the app has been running continuously without being re-...
0 votes
8 answers

Server Uptime before a reboot

I was just visiting a server at the datacenter and notied that it has been up(without a reboot) since last October (11 months). It is a VMHost running Windows Server 2003. Even if something has ...
0 votes
3 answers

Converting a non-raid linux box to Raid, with minimal downtime

I want to convert a non-raid linux system to RAID1, using two new disks. I would like to do this with minimal downtime. Rather than adding the disks and shutting down to single user mode to copy ...
4 votes
1 answer

General SLA Expectations and Maintenance for Standard Services

What would generally be your expectation for SLA uptimes across the following services in a given month for a 'normal' scenario? I'm including my expectations... the purpose of this question is to ...