Questions tagged [user-accounts]

A user account is an access authorization to a restricted IT system. It consists mostly of a system wide unique user name an a password which are needed for authentication. IT systems use the user account to identify the individual user and grant him permissions which are associated with the user account.

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-2 votes
1 answer

How do I provide a public key to a new user without granting them root access? [closed]

I have a linux server and have created a new user with useradd. However, for that user to log in, they need an public key. I have my own public key, but it lets me log in as root, so I assume it ...
Choylton B. Higginbottom's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Monitor file access with ACL enabled

I would like to check that user 'robert' has read access to a file but is not enabled neither write it nor execute it. Since acl are enabled, there is more than one way to do it. I would like to ...
MUY Belgium's user avatar
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1 answer

ad lds to create built in administrator account

I created an Administrator account using AD LDS but cannot log in with it. I used ADSI tool to create the user: CN=LDSAdmin,CN=Admin,O=MyCompany,C=CH and then added it to the built in group CN=...
Peter's user avatar
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1 answer

How to setup user accounts on a secondary server in High Availability?

Working with two Microsoft SQL 2012 servers in Always On High Availability configuration running on Windows Server 2012 R2. Setup works well and failover is almost flawless. However, the software ...'s user avatar
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1 answer

Is this possible/advisable to establish SAMBA share across domains?

I realize this question will likely turn out rather complex and require a lenghty description. Likewise there’ll probably not be any short simple answer. I’ve got a large data-store (a SAN) that is ...
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2 answers

Possible to name a computer the same as a domain? [closed]

If I have a domain called "HOUSE" with user "JOHN", would it be possible to rename a PC to "HOUSE" with a local user called "JOHN"? So both would then be HOUSE\JOHN. Edit: I should add, the PC is on ...
Carl Reid's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

I'm making a user for a custom java server, what do I need to take into account setting up the user?

I'm new to this process, so bear with me please. The server is my own socket server, it parses data from connected clients and saves it to a database. It won't serve data in the form of web pages or ...
mal's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Change an installed program from one user to all users

I have a situation where a server was set up for a specific project and SQL Server Express was installed, but it appears to have been set for only the original installer's ID. I am now required to ...
techturtle's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Remote Desktop Username Logon Failure - Remote Desktop only Passes local Account Domain - Win 7 Pro

Remote Desktop Logon Failure - from windows 7 across multiple VPN and NAT, to a Win 08 R2 server. Logon to the local account has been used and is good. Multiple users can hit the same account with ...
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1 answer

how to enable user login after Offline domain join?

Is it possible to add computer from remote location to AD (windows 2008R2) and enable user login? I've run DJOIN as described here: but ...
Boris's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Create user account on many servers

I have a users.txt with the following content: ip1 user1 password1 ip2 user2 password2 .... ipN userN passwordN I want to create one user on each of these servers. I want to use this script on each ...
Denis's user avatar
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1 answer

FreeRadius Accounting not working, bad passwords not cheked

I'm trying to configure a captive portal using a router with OpenWRT+ChilliSpot and an external server with Freeradius and a Web Server. ChilliSpot 1.3.0 My issue right now is that the freeradius ...
AlvaroAV's user avatar
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2 answers

Lost RDP access to Azure VM after Sysprep

I made a stupid mistake. While looking for an easy way to make a backup of my Azure VM I followed directions to make a snapshot of the VM machine. In AWS (*which I am used to) a snapshot is a quick ...
drobertson's user avatar
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Show both Local and Domain accounts on Login Screen in Windows 8

Our employees use their laptops both as personal laptops and as work laptops. When they're at work they sign in to the domain and when they're at home they sign in to their laptop directly. The ...
DTI-Matt's user avatar
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1 answer

SSH forwarding by username [duplicate]

I want to make available a pool of dev machines to a pool of developers, where each developer should only access its own dev machine. Dev machines are on a private network, behind a NAT, whereas ...
Jules's user avatar
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2 answers

Disallowing interactive login for specific mysql users

I want to create some mysql users for different web sites but disallow interactive connections for them. If a evil-user get the mysql login credentials of a website, creating a conexion from ...
ABu's user avatar
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2 answers

Restore User or Backup exec settings after demoting

Just don't mess with a server when you're not feeling focused, because you can end up something like i did: I have a server (WS2003 R2) which acts as backup server (backup exec 2010). We needed a ...
Horaceman's user avatar
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21 votes
3 answers

Trying to add a new SQL Server user throws the error "is not a valid login or you do not have permission”

I am trying to add a new user to an SQL Server 2012 database using SQL Server Management Studio. I right-click and select 'Add User' under Security -> Users, fill out the user information, and click ...
culix's user avatar
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-4 votes
2 answers

"Wscript.echo" in place of Report.txt in VBS? [closed]

This script gets remote user's membership info and saves a report.txt as a result. Can this code be changed with wscript.echo in place of Report.txt. I tried to change it but i couldnt :( Thank you ...
serdar's user avatar
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6 votes
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SSH login with no authentication [closed]

I have an account (root, if it makes a difference) set up without a password (passwd -d), which enables me to log in with no authentication through the console. SSH however insists on a password. How ...
Joó Ádám's user avatar
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Default user for MySQL [duplicate]

With a fresh (but old) install of Ubuntu and MySQL, I found I could access the MySQL via command line client without being asked for any user or password. Logging in as root requires the root ...
Stewart's user avatar
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Securing MySQL debian-sys-maint

With a fresh (but old) install of Ubuntu and MySQL, I found I could access the MySQL via command line client without being asked for any user or password. This bothered me as the default situation, ...
Stewart's user avatar
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Including default files and folders in User's home directory

I'm using ubuntu server 14.04. I want to include some default files and folders in home directory for every user, whenever a new user account is created. How to make this. Can anyone help me in this. ...
user72789's user avatar
4 votes
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Difference between Roaming profiles, User Profile, Home Folder, and Redirected Folders?

On the network where I work, it appears at various times people have had roaming profiles, user profiles, redirected folders, and home folders. What are the purposes and differences between these? ...
leeand00's user avatar
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Testing Windows user accounts without actually logging into them?

We setup Windows users accounts with redirected profiles here at work, and in the past we have just logged in to the account to test them out. However, recently there has been a change in company ...
leeand00's user avatar
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3 answers

PowerShell - finding users who are Inactive AND not disabled

I wrote this cmdlet: Search-ADAccount -filter {(enabled -eq $true)} -Users Only -SearchBase "ou=FirstOU,dc=domain,dc=com" -AccountInactive -TimeSpan 30 But it outputs an error: Search-ADAccount : A ...
Npv23g's user avatar
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How can I trace the source of repeated account lockout against Exchange server?

I have an AD user account that is being repeatedly and frequently locked out, I have been able to trace the lockout to the Exchange server CAS array. However I am at a loss as to how to continue the ...
NorthVandea's user avatar
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Powershell - check if all users in a specific OU are disabled, disable if not

I tried to search for it but I didn't find anything. Could someone help me out with an example of a script that would do this?
Npv23g's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

Count of Unix users: how many is too much? [closed]

I know about Postfix MTA configuration concepts: there's tree of them and the last one is most-appropriate only because it doesn't require new Unix user to be created for new mailbox creation. From ...
greenV's user avatar
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Log in as System account on Windows Server 2012

I am trying to configure a message queue on a windows server 2012 computer but I get 'access denied' errors, even if I log in as Administrator. Only the system account has the right permissions. How ...
Konstantinos Papakonstantinou's user avatar
64 votes
7 answers

What's the best way to see logged in users in Windows Server 2012?

Right now I use a powershell script to see the currently logged in users. But I don't see if their session is idle, active or inactive. I can see when the session was started, that's it. Is there an ...
RayofCommand's user avatar
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Exim, hot to route local mail to other adress

I have setuped an Exim4 server on my debian wheezy server. This mail server only sends mail coming from localhost. The purpose is sending mail for my website. I have cron tasks and other services ...
kheraud's user avatar
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On Solaris, can I create a user account in a single command line entry that is not disabled, but is password disabled (only allows SSH)

I am building a script for SA's to follow when performing a certain task. That task requires adding a user to a system that can only SSH to the system (using a key) and not log in with a password. ...
weismanm's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

SCCM - Where to put the create user step

I've implemented SCCM on our server and am now running task sequences to migrate from Windows XP to Win7. But we also need to be able to add a new local admin, because disable the default ...
BlueCacti's user avatar
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Account Lockout with pam_faillock in RHEL6

Previously, I asked about using pam_tally2 under RHEL6. I would like to pose this question and answer to document the recommended use of pam_faillock over pam_tally2 for the same function; What is ...
Aaron Copley's user avatar
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1 answer

Create ftp user next to DirectAdmin users [closed]

For my server which uses DirectAdmin I would like to create an ftp user which can access every directory in /home/ . I don't need to know how to do this, I know how to jail. The problem I am facing is ...
user968898's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

What can I do to fix missing start menu/desktop icons for a domain user?

I'm having a problem with one user account in my domain. The domain controller is Server 2008 R2, with Win7 clients. The user's password expired, so she went through the process of changing it. We ...
Chris's user avatar
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What is causing the Collateral damage when deleting old profiles?

#Get user names that have logged onto workstation $Users = gwmi win32_networkloginprofile | where {$ -match "EXP\\"} | where {$ -notmatch "srvtasksched"} $Users | foreach{ $Name = $_....
MDMoore313's user avatar
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5 answers

How to find the creation date of a local user account?

I would like to get the creation date of a local user account (Win 7 if it matters). I've looked at the following WMI objects (and google of course): Win32_UserAccount Win32_NetworkLoginProfile The ...
MDMoore313's user avatar
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Fixing "Could not chdir to home directory" on a homeless user

Basically I created a new sudoer without a home directory (adduser --no-create-home), but now, everytime I login with it I get prompted with a "Could not chdir to home directory: No such file or ...
Luiz Berti's user avatar
-4 votes
1 answer

User with "root" privileges can't actually see all folders [closed]

There is this problem with my newly created user with "root" privilages in my web server Ubuntu LTS 12.04 . I follow the rule: adduser newuser usermod -a -G sudo newuser then I add in visudo # ...
Locke's user avatar
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Username conventions in a company [duplicate]

I'd like to understand common and practical username creation conventions which could be used in companies as unique names of user accounts. Let's say a small company with perspective of growth wants ...
miroxlav's user avatar
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What could cause *every* command in RHEL to be executed by root?

Recently I was asked to look at a system for a "friend" that left me completely stumped. Their original problem stated to me: They have a RHEL 5.10, gnome desktop fairly typical install They are ...
DaveParillo's user avatar
1 vote
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Where does adduser's Directory Information Go?

When I use the command adduser it asks me for all sorts of directory-like information such as: Full Name Room Number Work Phone etc. Where is this information stored and how does one retrieve or ...
AlfaZulu's user avatar
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5 answers

Why am I getting unauthorized errors with Powershell get-winevent?

I'm a domain admin equivalent, I've tried running in an elevated console (right-click> run as administrator), and I'm consistently getting errors when executing get-winevent -logname application | ...
user209162's user avatar
5 votes
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Delegating Control -- Windows Active Directory

Attempting to make a site administrator user account for an Active Directory Domain. Using the Active Directory Delegate Authority Wizard. a user account has been grated rights in a OU. However, when ...
Honk's user avatar
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AD LDAP No Password Required

I've got a question about AD accounts that have the setting PASSWD_NOTREQD enabled on them. What exactly does this setting do? From my own research, it appears that this will cause the account to ...
Andrew's user avatar
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When is a user considered "Everyone" in the "Access this computer from the network" policy

I am a bit puzzled by the existance of the "Everyone" group in this policy. Per The Everyone identity All interactive, network, dial-up, ...'s user avatar
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6 votes
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Why would an interdomain trust account not require a password?

I am trying to understand why and interdomain trust account would have an account value of 2080 (INTERDOMAIN_TRUST_ACCOUNT – PASSWD_NOTREQD). During a routine audit, after we had recently set up a ...
David Broaddus's user avatar
1 vote
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User Permission Issues Within Domain

I have user that is in Domain Admins group. I am trying to access folder that has full permissions for Domain Admins group but for some reason I get "You don't currently have permission to access this ...
Michal Nastaly's user avatar

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