Questions tagged [useradd]

The tag has no usage guidance.

10 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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How to use a custom skeleton directory with useradd?

I'm trying to create a new user account using a custom skeleton directory instead of the default /etc/skel. Reading man useradd I'm pretty sure this should work: useradd -m -d /home/foo -k /usr/...
Haprog's user avatar
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Lock Home Folder down for specific users (CENT OS)

I am running multiple users on my VPS with CentOS 7 64 bit. And, I want to be able to lock down their home directory. I want them to be able to access all sub folders in that home directory but not be ...
DuncanA's user avatar
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Samba users not added untill they logon first? Edit: How do I add users to tdbsam without a password prompt?

I add users to my server with the command useradd -m -p PASS_HASH -s /usr/sbin/nologin USERNAME Then I try to access their samba home share, but it never shows up until I login with the user: root:~$...
glisignoli's user avatar
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Script to notify me when users are created

I've created a script from what ive found on the web to notify a SA of users being added to a server. I have it setup with a cron to run the script every 5 mins to monitor differences in the /var/log/...
award94's user avatar
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Add an aliases user root2, results changing the owner root to root2

Am looking to add an alias for the root user to log to the server with a different password So I followed this advice by using the following command useradd -o -...
user1402259's user avatar
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Create user without adding subuid range

Is it possible to create a new user e.g. with useradd without adding an entry to /etc/subuid even if the latter file exists? I use /etc/subuid only to for the user namespacing by Docker but don't want ...
svoop's user avatar
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su Authentication failure

OS Ubuntu 18.04 I am trying to add a user, with password, home directory, create a group with the same name, using a bash script. I tried: sudo useradd -U -m -p $(openssl passwd -1 'some_password') ...
EastsideDev's user avatar
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useradd from jenkins user error: useradd: cannot lock /etc/passwd; try again later

I run a shell script (Centos 6.7) from jenkins containing this command, in order import root environment: env -i `cat /home/admin/` /home/admin/ The ...
Glasnhost's user avatar
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add system user without login but able to su without asking for password

I created a user "sysuser" with -r option, when trying to su using another non-root user I am prompted for password. As "sysuser" is a system account and should not login, I did not set up a password....
Sri's user avatar
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Is it possible to change the directory in which useradd creates its lockfiles?

Useradd creates lock files in /etc/ directory. Is it possible make it create them somewhere else?
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