Questions tagged [webmail]

Webmail is email client implementation as a web application running on a web server. It provides basic functions such as receiving and sending email via web browser.

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13 votes
4 answers

Mail server for Windows 2008

I'm going to get a Windows 2008 dedicated server sometime soon. I'm going to have my website hosted on it, so, I also want to run a mail server on the same machine to receive any mail sent to the ...
Mee's user avatar
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Hotmail/Outlook dumping apparently valid emails

I've written some software that operates a non-commerical contact list for clubs, where the server sends out admin mails to the entire club. The emails are received Ok on Yahoo, gmail, and AOL, but ...
EML's user avatar
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2 answers

What's your suggested mail server configuration for a FreeBSD server?

What would be your suggestion if installing a FreeBSD 7 (7.2, actually) email server? I am interested in: SMTP agent Imap/Pop backend Authentication (OS users, OpenLDAP) Anti-Spam server side tools ...
Pablo Santa Cruz's user avatar