Questions tagged [wordpress-mu]

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2 answers

Forcing HTTP/HTTPS Redirect on AWS LightSail Wordpress Multisite - Not being implemented

I have searched many site and also Bitnami support pages and I was unable to find an answer to this issue I see. I cannot post on Bitnami support cummunity as a new topic as I have just joined :/ I ...
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1 answer

Changing URL of Wordpress Multisite Blog using Nginx - proxy_pass? Location with regular expression error

I've set up a Wordpress Multisite (aka WPMU) instance on AWS to serve my four blogs, which are all currently single site installs. Three of the blogs run on the domain root, but one needs to be served ...
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0 answers

is it for mysql 8.0.28 or is it a multisite wordpress bug in 5.9

cusomizedprefixwp_1_posts: Table 'cusomizedDB.cusomizedprefixwp_1_posts' doesn't exist cusomizedprefixwp_1_comments: Table 'cusomizedDB.cusomizedprefixwp_1_comments' doesn't exist ...
1 vote
0 answers

How to get Azure File Share to work with Wordpress multisite domain mapping when file share mounted to wp-content to resolve eorror 520

I am getting an error 520 on my images from sub-sites that domain mapped in wordpress. I am running azure file share with an azure vm that I plan to expand to more vm's. The File share is mounted to ...
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1 answer

OpenSSL Configuration for Ubuntu 20.04 LAMP& WP Multisites

Question: How do I apply 1 OpenSSL certificate to all websites located in html directory? Problem: When visiting or only index.html located at /...
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1 answer

How do I do a wildcard subdomain on MacOS 10.15?

I have setup localhost/~<username> and ~/Sites on my computer and I am using /etc/apache2/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf to make custom testing domains. How do I add DNS wildcard domains? (*.dev.server)...
0 votes
1 answer

Nginx Wildcard Subdomain Automatic Creation of Access Log File

I have almost 200 subdomains on NGINX and have the directive access_log /var/log/nginx/$host-access.log; The problem is none of the subdomain access log files actually exist, so the error log is ...
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1 answer

NGINX with wordpress multisite ssl securing custom url

I have a Nginx configured to serve a Wordpress subdomain multisite with main domain as We use it to create several sites to our customers, then some of them want a personalized url, in ...
2 votes
1 answer

Does the number of directives in a .htaccess affects performance and page loading time?

Does the number of directives in a .htaccess file impacts performance and page loading time in a significant way? If so, how much directives or line would be acceptable? Say, for example, I want to ...
0 votes
1 answer

Can I access a self hosted Wordpress Install via it's IP or How does one properly set up WP on a load balancer?

Situation: We're setting up a load-balancer with a self hosted WordPress (4.6) Networks on RHEL 7. MariaDB is replicated via master-slave. Problem: However, our network team want to point the load-...
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1 answer

what is causing wordpress file empty error on uploads?

I can't seem to figure out why I get the following when I try to upload anything in wordpress... for both media uploads and wordpress import xml: "Sorry, there has been an error. File is empty. ...
0 votes
0 answers

Migrated wordpress multisite to ubuntu with nginx - resources not found

I recently moved my wordpress multisite install from shared hosting to a could ssd server running ubuntu, I also changed it to run with nginx. Everything is working fine, except that a handful of ...
1 vote
1 answer

Memory problems in a Wordpress Multisite Ubuntu Server

I have a server with 512MB RAM and 512MB swap file hosting a Wordpress multisite (8 websites). Not many visitors per day (about 50-100 per site per day). Right now, everything is working fine, and ...
1 vote
1 answer

port 80 is being redirected , not accessible except on local network

I know this is probably something dead simple but I'm not exactly a pro at Nginx or Linux yet. I have a Wordpress MU network configured for port 80 (I can access this on on the LAN) I have ...
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1 answer

Apache proxy, ProxyPreserveHost On , keep looping

i have two domain Domain A : , this is the domain in the client, the idea is just proxy to mainblog when the url is Domain B : ,...
1 vote
0 answers

mediawiki and wordpress MU different root with Nginx

i want to use wordpress MU with mediawiki on the same domain , but i'm using a kind of mediawiki hosting service called wikifamily. so i have to different script root : /var/www/wikifamly for ...
1 vote
2 answers

Double try_files to solve the nginx's "No input file specified" issue

I am following the nginx's wiki ( to setup my wordpress location / { try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$args; } By using the above lines, ...
2 votes
2 answers

Nginx + Wordpress Multisite 3.4.2 + subdirectories + static pages and permalinks

I am trying to setup Wordpress Multisite, using subdirectories, with Nginx, php5-fpm, APC, and Batcache. As many other people, I am getting stuck in the rewrite rules for permalinks. I have followed ...
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1 answer

Add e-mail to domain alias

We are setting up a wordpress multi-site that allows 2 or more websites to operate from a single WP install. The way this usually works is you add the address of the 2nd website as a domain alias of ...
1 vote
2 answers

302 Redirect on wordpress+nginx with blank page

My wordpress MU setup, with Nginx, is showing a blank page with following errors and access log entries. "GET / HTTP/1.1" **302** 293 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/535.19 (KHTML, like ...
0 votes
1 answer

WordPress multi site .htaccess does not work with ip address and tilde URL

I have to move a WordPress multisite from one server to another. I duplicated all my files and the db and now I would like to test it by browsing a few of the installed blogs. Unfortunately I can't ...
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1 answer

WordPress MU with multiple Servers; wordpress won't show media-files; Syncing things

yesterday I have seted up a wordpress "clutser". Two Front/Backend Servers for Nginx and PHP One Database Server on all there is installed memcached I have a internal network, so no authenticate ...
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1 answer

VPS 512 MB RAM with WordPressMU comes to consumes lots of memory [closed]

I have googled for days and gathered all optimization suggestions and tried. My sites are not getting any high hits. May be like 100 hits per day [all my sites combined]. Here are my specs I have ...
0 votes
1 answer

Why isn't this rewrite rule (nginx) applied? (trying to setup Wordpress multisite)

I'm trying to setup Wordpress multisite (subfolder structure) with nginx, but having a problem with this rewrite rule. Below is the Apache's .htaccess, which I have to translate into nginx ...
5 votes
10 answers

trouble backing up large mysql database

I have a wordpress MU database with something like 10,000+ tables for various user's blogs. I need to upgrade wordpress MU to newest version, but want to backup the DB before hand. PHPMyAdmin fails ...
1 vote
1 answer

Migrating from multiple WordPress instances to one WordPress MU?

In reference to my previous question, wherein it appears the best way of handling multiple instances of WordPress will be to use MU (even across multiple domains, etc) - I'm looking for a way to ...