Questions tagged [x509]

X.509 is an ITU-T standard commonly used for public key infrastructure (PKI) and for privilege management infrastructure (PMI).

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What happens if the startdate of a CA is later that the startdate of a X509 certificate signed by it?

I am in the process of extending the lifetime of a private CA creating a new certificate with the same name, serial number, private/public keys, etc. The only change would be the "startdate" ...
jcea's user avatar
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Kubernetes won't pick up new certificate, x509 certificate expired

kubectl version Client Version: v1.20.4 Server Version: v1.20.15 At the end of January we renewed our external certificates that we use for the applications on the system (as opposed to the kubeadm ...
Stuckinthemud's user avatar
6 votes
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When does this SSL certificate expire?

Below are the results from testing the SSL certificate at It looks like we have two certificates. Am I reading that right? Does ...
Clay Nichols's user avatar
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Establishing mutual authentication over SSH using SPIFFE

For this learning purpose I have created a k8s cluster using 4 azure VMs (VM1, VM2, VM3 & VM4).I have followed the spiffe doc to deploy spire-server and spire-agent on a k8s infra. I have kept all ...
Yuvraj Singh's user avatar
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Generating certificate with subjectUniqueID field

I would like to generate a certificate with the subjectUniqueID field as indicated in rfc5280( have tried this: openssl req -config myConfigFile....
alvy's user avatar
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How to properly use MediaWiki with $wgDBadminuser?

I have to set up a fresh MediaWiki and am getting increasingly upset with config recommendations that don't seem to work well when configured as outlined in the official documentation. Two servers. ...
Marian's user avatar
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Entra Id (AAD) certificate based authentication (CBA) client certificate validation failed ("invalid request") error

I'm trying to get CBA to work according to this article: I created a self-signed CA for testing ...
The F's user avatar
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keytool error: signed fields invalid

I have a X509 certificate pem file I got from Mongo Atlas. I'm trying to import it into the keystore like so: keytool -importcert -file X509-cert.pem -alias myalias -keystore mykeystore.p12 -storetype ...
ritratt's user avatar
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How can I add alternate subject names when creating a CSR using xca?

openSUSE and SLES dropped their old CA management, now recommending to use xca. While it was easy to add alternate subject names like hostname aliases or IP addresses in the old CA management, I could ...
U. Windl's user avatar
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How to verify signed file? [closed]

How to check a validity of a file using openssl and cms? I've got a file (foo.bin) and a signature (foo.bin.cms) which is include x509 der format certificate. is there any way to check validity of ...
Nav Boom's user avatar
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ADFS Client Certificate Authentication

I have ADFS on my environment and it's currently authenticating via active directory perfectly fine. I'm trying to enable certificate authentication so they can authenticate with their smart cards. ...
Mlsracer's user avatar
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What are Groups in Kubernetes certificate signing requests?

In a Certificate signing request API object for a user, you have to specify a group. apiVersion: kind: CertificateSigningRequest metadata: name: myname spec: groups: ...
Tanchwa's user avatar
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Cross-sign third party DV cert with our own CA for high trust

I am looking to expand trust within our application by setting up mutual TLS between the customer service and our service. I am trying to wrap my head around this stuff as I am kinda new to this tech ...
Decrypter's user avatar
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Kubernetes: using an intermediate CA which certificate is signed by a self-signed root CA certificate

Does anyone use own certificate chains for Kubernetes clusters? There's an issue with such kind of setup, and I would be grateful for any ideas on how to solve it. Let's assume we have a Root CA which ...
Volodymyr Melnyk's user avatar
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How to export the details of a digital certificate (.cer file) to a csv file using powershell?

I have a digital certificate that I'm using for a specific task. I need to export the details of the certificate such as the serial number and issuer to a csv file that is already on my computer using ...
Darius's user avatar
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Submitting CSR to Microsoft CA from linux bash best practice

Similar questions: The link above presents an answer but it is far too complicated for me. Below is an ...
searchbruh's user avatar
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manual certificate authentication for IMAPS

I'm running an IMAPS service and users are authenticated with an X.509 certificate. It works fine using Thunderbird. But how I can connect to the IMAPS service manually using openssl? I use the same ...
Micha's user avatar
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X.509 signed certificate validity

We are trying to generate server certificates for a cluster of Kafka servers to communicate over SSL. The procedure works, but the resulting validity of the certificates is only 30 days. We are ...
radumanolescu's user avatar
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Finding out if a certificate is due for renewal without triggering the actual renewal with Certbot

I am trying to use Certbot to allow for semi-automated certificate updates. I don't want fully-automated updates to avoid automatic certificate replacements that could interrupt business and ensure ...
aef's user avatar
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Why OCSP stapling on NGINX for "buypass" DV certs fails without explicit root declaration?

tl;dr For buypass DV certs fetched by certbot I need to explicitly tell NGINX to trust buypass root cert to enable OCSP stapling. This is not the case for Let's Encrypt certificates and I cannot ...
Yan Foto's user avatar
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Open SSL Error on Windows 10 - Converting a signed CSR from PEM to CRT

I am attempting to create an IPSec VPN connection with x.509 cert authentication for users. What follows is a test to get things going and isn't a secure implementation. I will get a certificate from ...
S4M8's user avatar
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How to make Certbot respect Debian standards for certificate deployment?

Certbot seems to manage X.509 certificates and private keys in its own directory structure in /etc/letsencrypt. On Debian-based systems (including Ubuntu, Linux Mint and others) X.509 certificates are ...
aef's user avatar
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Why my signed certificate is not accepted by IOS (valid in Firefox)

I tried to generate my own CA with TLS Server Certificates. In Firefox I also do not have problems and the certificate is accepted after import of the root certificate. But after importing the root ...
Maik's user avatar
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Demand user's x509 certificate from java web application only when required

My web application authenticates the user based on user's x509 certificate. For now, I've configured tomcat for mutual authentication by setting "clientAuth=want". However, as this ...
Bhushan Karmarkar's user avatar
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Installing certificate installed through MMC for a service account

(Disclaimer: I have posted this question on StackOverflow, but from a developer point of view. I tried to rewrite the question to fit ServerFault conditions) A custom service has to log on a remote ...
Amessihel's user avatar
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x509 + asn1: are subjectAltName elements explicit or implicit?

From SubjectAltName ::= GeneralNames GeneralNames ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF GeneralName GeneralName ::= CHOICE { otherName [0] ...
pinhead's user avatar
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How can I make a CA certificate with `certtool`?

I can make a self-signed CA certificate with the openssl command by putting the line basicConstraints = critical,CA:true in the appropriate section of a configuration file and using it: openssl req -...
Ken Jackson's user avatar
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Client certificate works in Firefox but not when used in Internet Explorer (or Edge)

With a certain web site, a certain client certificate works fine with Firefox, but not with IE or Edge (all on Windows 10, as both IE and Edge behave the same, I'll use the term "IE/Edge" ...
David Balažic's user avatar
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OpenVPN Access Server - Encounter the Warning X509_V_ERR_CERT_HAS_EXPIRED but the cert is actually not expired yet

I was trying to connect to my company openvpn network via MacOS openvpn application and hitting the warning "The server has an UNTRUSTED SSL certificate. Allow the connection to ...
user87313's user avatar
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X509 certificates - Are there any naming conventions?

What are the naming conventions when buying certificates, if any? When buying a cert for TLS/HTTPS for a particular Server, naturally I will default to the server's name. For example, if the server is ...
joedotnot's user avatar
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x509 extensions: can the "extnValue" be empty?

I'm writing a script that parses x509 certificates. x509 v3 certificates have extensions which are an ASN.1 sequence containing an OID, a critical flag, and an octetString called extnValue. For the ...
pinhead's user avatar
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How to properly generate an x509 certificate with restricted usage

I'm putting certificates into a repository that will not allow a successive certificate with more limited usage than the previous one. I need an initial dummy cert/key/chain to bootstrap the process ...
user1169420's user avatar
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Error generating client certificate using openssl

Getting this error with openssl 1.1.1d when using the CA generated as shown: openssl req -new -x509 -config ca.cnf -newkey rsa:4096 -sha256 -nodes -out ca-certificate.pem -outform PEM openssl req -...
L P's user avatar
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Create DER certificate+key from PEM

I'm not sure if it's even possible. Also, OpenSSL is one ugly motherlover of an utility :/ I need top upload certificate+private key as DER to ESET Security Management Center (ESMC), at least ...
StanTastic's user avatar
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FreeIPA refuses to sign a VMWare certificate signing request (CSR)

I'm attempting to make VMWare's certificate authority (VMCA) v6.7 a trusted sub-CA of a FreeIPA certificate authority. I should be able to generate a certificate signing request within VMCA using ...
ndemarco's user avatar
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error when trying to add custom extensions to X509 certificates using openSSL

I am trying to add custom extensions to my self-signed certificate. I tried the following openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem -days 365 -extfile myconfig.cnf -extensions ...
brain storm's user avatar
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Exchange 2013 clients receive error 500 or unable to send mails

We have windows 2012R2 with Exchange 2013, we had public ssl certificate that was used both for external and internal users. We decided to not renew certificate and sign a new one with our domain ...
Никита's user avatar
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Unable to load certificate key C:apache-tomcat-8.5.38conf/abc.key (error:0909006C:PEM routines:get_name:no start line)

Need help on below error: Just added a new certificate and copied key , chain and crt to /conf. after starting the tomcat getting below error. I read in blog that needs to add native="false" in ...
Ahemad Ali's user avatar
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How does one change the certificate and key for https

We have a server whose original PKI certificate was issued by a discontinued root CA. We have a replacement certificate issued from a different root authority chain. This site was set up some time ...
James B. Byrne's user avatar
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Revoked SSL certificate

We're using Paypal SDK here: To help handle our webhooks. We've started receiving the exceptions: PayPal.PayPalException: Unable to verify the certificate(s)...
Tom Gullen's user avatar
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How does certutil determine that a cert is revoked

I'm testing that an x509 certificate can be correctly determined to be revoked. I'm taking the cert from and verifying it via certutil. When my system is online, it seems to ...
Stealth Rabbi's user avatar
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Digital signing certificate for SOAP

I'm calling a third-party Web Service with SOAP requests. This service requires me to to sign my SOAP requests digitally. Regarding to How to buy a X.509 certificate for signing digital payloads ...
Mikael H.'s user avatar
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Why would Chrome ignore the X509v3 Subject Alternative Name in my cert?

I have a cert that include an X509v3 Subject Alternative setting, but Chrome 67.0.3396.99 is saying the Subject Alternative Name is missing even though it looks like it's included in the cert. Here's ...
pwan's user avatar
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x509 certificate not valid for any names when added IP address to openssl.cnf

A self-signed certificate works well while the command used to generate it on a ubuntu machine is: openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout private.key -out cert.crt -days 365 -nodes If the ...
minghua's user avatar
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Authenticate to LXD rest API over network , certificate auth keeps failing

I am trying to access LXD REST API over the Network. Followed : Link to Doc. lxc config set core.https_address "[::]:8443" lxc config set core.trust_password <some random password> curl -s -...
Maharshi Raval's user avatar
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Edit x509v3 extended key usage in existing certificate-file

Is it possible to manually edit the key usage of a X509v3 certificate ? $ openssl x509 -in crt.crt -text ... X509v3 Key Usage: Digital Signature, Non Repudiation, Key Encipherment X509v3 ...
user1511417's user avatar
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The revocation function was unable to check revocation for the certificate 0x80092012

Please help me to deal with self-signed revocation check I've used makecert.exe to create root and client certificate The problem is that certutil fails to check certificate with error The ...
oleksa's user avatar
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openssl certificate chain lost when converting from pem to der

I have a cetificate chain in .pem format from Letsencrypt, called fullchain.pem It has 2 certificates in the chain: keytool -printcert -v -file fullchain.pem |grep "Certificate fingerprints" |wc -l ...
ArticIceJuice's user avatar
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Limiting power of a trusted certificate

I am creating a site with my own CA and signing client certs with it. The clients will need to add my CA as a trusted source, but for security reasons I don't want them to blindly trust everything ...
user1156544's user avatar
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Is it possible to generate openssl configuration file from an existing x509 certificate?

I am looking for a way to restore openssl configuration from an X509 certificate (or a csr). I know it's possible to look at the certificate and manually reconstruct the config file but it's ...
cyc115's user avatar
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