Questions tagged [xcache]

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4 votes
2 answers

Allow Apache use more memory

I use apache2 behind nginx on 8 core CPU 48GB RAM server. Now my system uses only 3GB of all memory, but there are high load on CPUs. How can I use my free memory instead of CPUs time? I also use ...
5 votes
1 answer

Php 7 opcache v php 5.6 xcache

We're provisioning a new server and are deciding between (php7 / opcache) and (php5.6 / xcache). We run a few chunky ecommerce sites and want the best possible performance. I'm looking for ...
1 vote
1 answer

Xcache is enabled but but not caching?

I installed Xcache on a Debian 6 server, however despite it being activated, no pages are being cached. Apache is installed via the repos, however PHP 5.4 and xcache are compiled from source. PHP is ...
0 votes
1 answer

XCache serves wrong file version from opcache

Lets say that I have two versions of the same file. One is app/v1/lib/ExampleClass.php, and another resides in app/v2/lib/ExampleClass.php. To conserve memory, xcache creates opcache for only single ...
0 votes
1 answer

xcache_clear_cache returning 500 Internal Server Error

There could be a problem with my XCache configuration. The server is running on CentOS 7.2 with Plesk 12.5 php -v gives following output: PHP 5.4.16 (cli) (built: Aug 11 2016 21:24:59) Copyright (c) ...
0 votes
0 answers

How to Install XCache on BlueHost VPS

I have a VPS account on BlueHost. The OS is CentOS6.7 x86_64 and PHP version is 5.4.28. I followed instructions from here to install XCache and the installation failed. The installation failed ...
2 votes
0 answers

Data Cache (XCache, APC, memcached, etc) on shared hosting / privacy considerations

I have one question. How appropriate is to use on shared hosting a cache system for data? I mean as far as I know the data is written in a shared data cache (not private for each user) across all ...
8 votes
4 answers

Apc, xcache or eAccelerator? What should I use for Wordpress? [closed]

I'm trying to configure a server for a Wordpress site. What should I use for opcode caching? APC, xcache or eAccelerator?
0 votes
1 answer

PHP Opcode cache that can detect identical files

I am currently using APC with PHP FPM to cache a few hundred Wordpress sites. With a 2gig cache everything works well but it isn't terribly efficient and the cache is always maxed out. If I have 200 ...
2 votes
0 answers

Apache web server maxing out due to processes stuck at D status

I have a Apache 2.2.3 web server running on a 8 core VM with 8G Ram. During a load test, the web server stopped responding and load average went up to 1000. When I run Top command, I see a large ...
0 votes
1 answer

APC and xCache memory configuration

In PHP xCache and APC, there are options that allows to set maximum memory. Do xCache and APC actually RESERVE the memory, or they just use it whenever they need to?
0 votes
2 answers

How To Install Xcache on CentOS 6 and Nginx?

I've bought a new VPS and I'm not a linux geek. I've already installed LEMP stack on CentOS 6. I just tried to install Xcache on my VPS. I've used the below command to install Xcache but it shows an ...
-3 votes
1 answer

Make: *** [processor.out.c] Error 1

CentOS PHP-FPM './configure' '--enable-fpm' '--with-libdir=lib64' '--with-bz2' '--with-curl=/usr/local/lib' '--with-gd' '--with-gettext' '--with-jpeg-dir=/usr/local/lib' '--with-freetype-dir=/usr/...
1 vote
1 answer

How To check whether the page is served through xcache?

How can I check whether my wordpress site use Xcache to cache its content? How to verify it? Can't use the xcache admin because I also have a forum using ipboard. That forum use xcache. So, the xcache ...
2 votes
0 answers

Best opcode cache for fcgid? (APC vs eaccelerator vs xcache)

I have been reading a while the web trying to find out about opcode caches for fcgid. As I understand so far APC is not a good solution for fcgid, since APC with fcgid caches only per process and that ...
2 votes
1 answer

Optimal xcache settings for VPS 512mb ram

I use ubuntu 11.10, apache2 with varnish, php5-fpm and xcache. I have 512mb ram with 4 cpus. linux kernel version 3. What are the optimal xcache settings? Should I make also some changes and ...
0 votes
1 answer

Error installing xcache '[processor.lo] Error 1'

I am trying to get xcache 1.3.2 installed on my centos 5.8final (64bit) machine. It's running nginx 1.1.13 and php 5.4.0. This is the output of ./configure --enable-xcache --with-php-config=/opt/php/...
0 votes
3 answers

Optimizing fastcgi + php5

Running a debian system with lighttpd, php5, xcache and fastcgi. 2GB ram, 2 cores, less than 10% cpu load in 5 min averages peak time, less than 1GB of ram in use. The system runs a custom build ...