Questions tagged [zones]

Solaris zones is a low overhead virtualization technique, where the guest system is using the same kernel as the underlying systems.

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Oracle Solaris 11, ipnat - rdr not working with remote destinations

I'm trying to reverse proxy traffic coming in on port 8100 at one machine to another. The receiving host is an oracle exclusive zone as is the destination machine. On the incoming zone I have ...
Guenni's user avatar
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Kubernetes - Best Practices for Physical Network Segmentation

Based on the following design constraint, does anyone have any best practices or recommendations regarding how to deploy Kubernetes across multiple network zones? What is the most common and accepted ...
Tom Bombadil's user avatar
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Setting Up Lua Records for GSLB with PowerDNS in Docker

I am working with a PowerDNS setup within Docker that currently manages zones through files and responds with A records. My goal is to implement Lua Records for GSLB (Global Server Load Balancing) ...
Jay's user avatar
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Traffic Filtering between Security Zones

I have an organization's network, containing 4 zones: inside, outside, DMZ1 and DMZ2. DMZ1 contains external-facing servers - DNS, WEB and Mail servers. DMZ2 hosts internal servers- Radius, DHCP, ...
Student777's user avatar
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Solaris 10: IPMP setup with zone and defrouter

I'm a bit desesparated by some kind of "bugs" we recently faced. We are using Solaris 10 on SPARC platform (T4-4) to run zones. Obviously, we do IPMP for safety. Some of those zones are legacy, so ...
Nicolas Tourneur's user avatar