10 votes

Why do sequential writes have better performance than random writes on SSDs?

A reasonably concise explanation by Seagate (WayBack copy here) on how garbage collection is responsible for the difference in SSD performance for random versus sequential writes: ... the need for ...
HBruijn's user avatar
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7 votes

Estimate FLOPS in Linux?

For ballpark-estimates: Raspberry Pi 2: 299.93 * 10^6 FLOPS (source) Raspberry Pi 3: 462.07 * 10^6 FLOPS (source) GTX Titan Black GPU: 5.1 * 10^12 FLOPS (source) Sunway TaihuLight: 93 * 10^15 FLOPS ...
Martin Thoma's user avatar
5 votes

Understanding ZFS NVMe benchmarks with FIO

You are probably running fio on a recordsize=128k dataset. When reading/writing 4K blocks you are going to see up to 32x I/O amplification. To get maximum IOPs you can create a new dataset with ...
shodanshok's user avatar
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4 votes

Anyone seen a meaningful SAS vs SATA comparison/benchmark?

So much misinformation here! I can't imagine a meaningful benchmark between SAS and SATA and I wouldn't bother looking for one. This is like benchmarking a six passenger minivan versus high-speed ...
KD Mann's user avatar
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4 votes

Does Apache Benchmark allow intervals between each request?

You can use hey instead. It has similar syntax as apache bench. hey -n 50 -q 1 -c 1 http://www.google.com sends 50 requests with a pause of 1 sec between.
Sven Dukat's user avatar
3 votes

Apache ab - testing with 1000 concurrency

What you're actually seeing is an application that is "serializing" request processing- meaning, only one request is being processed at a time, regardless of the number of requests that are being ...
Jonah Benton's user avatar
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3 votes

Sysbench MySQL cannot connect

Create sbtest database and sbtest user. If you're not going to supply command parameters to the sysbench command then you'll need to create the database and user that it expects when talking with the ...
Joshua Pinter's user avatar
3 votes

How can I verify my vserver provider offers SSD as promised?

There is no reliable way to determine whether a virtual machine's backing store is based on SSD or not. The hypervisor presents a completely virtual disk device to the virtual machine, and no ...
Michael Hampton's user avatar
3 votes

Litespeed vs Nginx high-traffic server performance?

What do you think about those benchmarks? 4x, 10x faster? Well, the benchmarks are quite real - the benchmark is done using LiteSpeed webserver 5.4 (which is rather "new") which got a big overhaul ...
LucasRolff's user avatar
3 votes

Root-causing vastly different performance on iozone O_SYNC benchmark for two HDD manufacturers

Regarding the measured 33x difference between your results, following up on our discussion in the comments, it turned out, that MegaCli64 -LDGetProp -DskCache -Lall -aAll showed that setup B had the ...
s1lv3r's user avatar
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3 votes

Understanding this error: apr_socket_recv: Connection reset by peer (104)

Besides the answers here, I have read a lot of other ones: Replace localhost by Update the apache version (I have ApacheBench, Version 2.3 <$Revision: 1807734 $>) Add -r (Then I get ...
Martin Thoma's user avatar
3 votes

IOMeter - What values should I test with?

From a SQL Server perspective On a SQL Server box you would preferably test the disks with the following parameters, depending on where you will be storing the MDF, NDF, LDF and TEMPDB files: All ...
John K. N.'s user avatar
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3 votes

why read is faster when using O_DIRECT flag?

O_DIRECT is faster than a generic read because it bypasses the operating system's buffers. You are reading directly from the drive. There are a couple of reasons this could be faster though keep in ...
Grant Curell's user avatar
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2 votes

Benchmarking hard disks on Mac OS X SL

Using file copy in general and dd in particular isn't the great way to measure I/O performance. This is a very good wrap up about WHY it's so. https://barreto.home.blog/2014/08/18/using-file-copy-to-...
BaronSamedi1958's user avatar
2 votes

How to configure Fio to a more accurate result of IOPs

Reading the man page yields runtime=int Terminate processing after the specified number of seconds. time_based If given, run for the specified runtime duration even if ...
Sven's user avatar
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2 votes

How to find what's causing Apache/httpd to run at such high memory usage

You can try using lsof to read the files open by the apache process: lsof -p PID Checking the apache logs for errors that correspond to the timestamps of the spider crawl in your access logs is also ...
wilbo's user avatar
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2 votes

How to disable perf subsystem in Linux kernel?

Disable the HAVE_PERF_EVENTS kernel option and recompile the Linux kernel. Also, if you mentioned that it got flipped back to on, the. odds are good that there are more than one other kernel settings ...
John Greene's user avatar
2 votes

What are the best possible ways to benchmark RAM (no-ECC) under linux / arm?

Write a file into an existing tmpfs like /tmp with dd as wazoox suggested, but limit its size to less then half of your free memory. First, find out how much memory is available: > free -h ...
baldrianbandit's user avatar
2 votes

Wordpress apache benchamrk CPU usage

Server load is not an absolute measurement. It depends on the Cores that are available on the system. For example, in a 4 Core system, Load "4" is the same as Load "1" in a 1 Core system. Since you ...
MassiveGRID's user avatar
2 votes

Strange IOPS performance on AWS R3.large & R4.large instances

Your constraint appears to be coming from the network limits on the instance type, not EBS itself. There's some reading between the lines required, but the EBS Optimized Instances documentation ...
Michael - sqlbot's user avatar
2 votes

Why do sequential writes have better performance than random writes on SSDs?

Another explanation is that sequential I/Os are easier to coalesce at all levels. Generally you have less overhead when you send the same data but using fewer but bigger I/Os thus you can reach a ...
Anon's user avatar
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2 votes

Where is my bottleneck: RAM, CPU or disk?

RAM usage is at ~73% with almost no swap space being used, and all your cores appear to be maxed out. So RAM size and speed are fine, and the bottleneck is certainly the CPU. Based off your ...
slightly_toasted's user avatar
2 votes

Will an E5-2660 be a major improvement over a Q9550 for a webserver?

The E5-2660 will be a improvement in CPU performance over the Q9550. It's a 4 year old newer chip and has 8 cores vs 4, and since your new system is a dual CPU you will have 16 cores, 4 times as many ...
Bert's user avatar
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2 votes

how to benchmark dbms (sql and nosql) on s390x architecture (IBM mainframes basically)

Congrats on access to a Z system. For the comparison of various databases I can only provide some general guidance. Here are some items to consider as you formulate your plan. Atomicity - divide ...
Hogstrom's user avatar
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2 votes

How to calculate log per second?

In logql you simply query your logs with count_over_time({label="labelValue"} [1s]) That will give you the count of logs selected per 1s interval. -- I love seeing our project being used in ...
Dletta's user avatar
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1 vote

Cluster using virtual machine software with 2 workstations

Depending what you want to achieve. Possible yes, but you likely have pathetic IO (which is generally a bottleneck for databases) and better make sure you split the VM's "strategically" because your ...
TomTom's user avatar
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1 vote

How to calculate /get the UBER value from S.M.A.R.T measurements in SSDs

It turns out that the UBER (unrecoverable bit rate error) can be calculated based on the raw value of the attribute #ID 187, reported_Uncorrect. Several manufacturers tend to use different names for ...
SamTh3D3v's user avatar
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1 vote

How to circumvent siege concurrency socket select timed out

Please update the siege. wget http://download.joedog.org/siege/siege-4.0.4.tar.gz tar -zxf siege-4.0.4.tar.gz cd siege-4.0.4 ./configure make sudo make install siege.config You may need to issue ...
Yawar's user avatar
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1 vote

Sysbench on Redhat 7 Errors with Mysql Testing - PANIC: unprotected error in call to Lua API (cannot open oltp: No such file or directory)

The solution after googling this was that it was looking for a oltp file, but it didn't find it. Apparently they moved it and it was never documented judging from what some of the github comments say. ...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
1 vote

Better stream performance when transparent hugepages are on

Transparent hugepages are the thing that is causing this performance increase. The kernel in Cent 6 and Cent 7 are different by quite a lot. THP can optimize large contiguous memory patterns, and ...
Spooler's user avatar
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