84 votes

Site is accessible by domain in all browsers but Chrome

Your problem is because you are using a .dev domain. The entire .dev top-level domain (TLD) is on the HSTS preload list and that means you must access it using HTTPS. According to your nginx config ...
Moshe Katz's user avatar
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77 votes

Generating a self-signed cert with openssl that works in Chrome 58

My solution: openssl req \ -newkey rsa:2048 \ -x509 \ -nodes \ -keyout server.key \ -new \ -out server.crt \ -subj /CN=dev.mycompany.com \ -reqexts SAN \ -...
bcardarella's user avatar
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27 votes

How do I clear Chrome's SSL cache?

In Windows: Internet Options/Properties > Content > Clear SSL state Then type in any address bar: chrome://restart You don't need to clear your entire history.
dukeofgaming's user avatar
23 votes

Generating a self-signed cert with openssl that works in Chrome 58

Here is a solution that works for me: Create CA key and cert # openssl genrsa -out server_rootCA.key 2048 # openssl req -x509 -new -nodes -key server_rootCA.key -sha256 -days 3650 -out server_rootCA....
binary.koala's user avatar
19 votes

Generating a self-signed cert with openssl that works in Chrome 58

In Windows, save this script in your SSL folder as makeCERT.bat. It will create these files: example.cnf, example.crt, example.key @echo off REM IN YOUR SSL FOLDER, SAVE THIS FILE AS: makeCERT.bat ...
STWilson's user avatar
  • 299
19 votes

Generating a self-signed cert with openssl that works in Chrome 58

There are several great answers that give examples of how to get this working, but none that explain where things went wrong in your attempt. OpenSSL can be pretty non-intuitive some times so it is ...
pavon's user avatar
  • 363
16 votes

Chrome DevTools - Request Header Size

Sort of... go to the network tab and right click the first item and click copy as cURL (this is how you will get the header size. Then go to terminal and do your curl command curl ... -w '%{...
Kevin Danikowski's user avatar
9 votes

Chrome under Docker: CAP_SYS_ADMIN vs privileged?

AFAICS, the documentation suggests granting the capabilities needed for a container, rather than using the --privileged switch. Running in privileged mode seems to grant the container all capabilities ...
ivuk's user avatar
  • 346
8 votes

Generating a self-signed cert with openssl that works in Chrome 58

Bash script with config baked in As a shell script that should work across platforms with bash. Assumes HOSTNAME env set for the shell or supply a hostname of your choosing, e.g. self_signed_cert.sh ...
JPvRiel's user avatar
  • 201
7 votes

chrome requests get stuck pending

Tons of info on this or similar issue and none of the solutions worked for me. So after digging - here it is Add to server's response headers[ 'Connection' ] = 'close'
vladbph's user avatar
  • 71
4 votes

Chrome under Docker: CAP_SYS_ADMIN vs privileged?

One difference is that --privileged mounts /dev and /sys as RW, where as SYS_ADMIN mounts them as RO. This means that a privileged container has full access to devices on the system. SYS_ADMIN doesn't ...
mel1990's user avatar
  • 41
4 votes

Launch HTML file in Chrome with parameters

The OP's answer is correct as far as it goes. However, you can get a Windows shortcut to launch relative to the current directory. While you can use Windows Environment Variables in shortcuts, there ...
JonathanDavidArndt's user avatar
4 votes

chrome requests get stuck pending

Consider wireshark and the Chrome developers tools to analyse the network traffic. Open the network debugger in Chrome and try to reproduce a stuck request. It will show you an exact timeline: when ...
user5994461's user avatar
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3 votes

How to clear (remove/delete) certificate (ssl/https) cache from chrome browser?

The easiest way for me to make sure the chrome will always get the most updated certificate is to open an incognito window (ctrl + shift + N on Chrome). Note that as far as I can understand, the ...
rahmatns's user avatar
3 votes

Why would Chrome ignore the X509v3 Subject Alternative Name in my cert?

Chrome 67 is pretty old, but your cert has TWO BasicConstraint extensions which violates RFC5280 4.2, and if I replicate that error (by hand!) my up-to-date 71.0.3578.98 exhibits the same symptoms: ...
dave_thompson_085's user avatar
3 votes

How do I clear Chrome's SSL cache?

For Windows 10, there is a way to clear only OCSP and CRL information without clearing Chrome history. More details can be found from Mr. Dimcev's blog post http://www.carbonwind.net/blog/post/...
Jari Turkia's user avatar
3 votes

Launch HTML file in Chrome with parameters

I was able to solve my problem by instead using a .bat file and using this as it's content "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" "file:///%cd%/specViewer.html" --user-data-dir=...
Oxymoron's user avatar
  • 340
3 votes

How to force OpenSSL to use same certificate-chain validation algorithm used by Chrome Browser and SSL LABS

This OpenSSL command uses a simple algorithm that walks the cert-chain provided by the server, finds the expired certificate, and then reports "Verify return code: 10 (certificate has expired)". ...
Steffen Ullrich's user avatar
2 votes

Generating a self-signed cert with openssl that works in Chrome 58

My solution is to keep the main openssl.cnf like it is and just at the end to add a new section like [ cert_www.example.com ] where www.example.com is the website for which I want to create a ...
Patrick Mevzek's user avatar
2 votes

Nginx TCP Fast Open Issue

I've done some tests using the TCP fast open test code at https://github.com/yuryu/tfoecho My count TCPFastOpenPassive does go up when using the test code. $ grep '^TcpExt:' /proc/net/...
Tim Bray's user avatar
  • 130
2 votes

How do I clear Chrome's SSL cache?

I confirmed this worked for me on Windows 10: Pre-requisite: Certify (use another computer with no "knowledge" of your site) that your server serves the new certificate to brand new computers, at ...
Christopher's user avatar
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2 votes

Site is accessible by domain in all browsers but Chrome

Start by verifying that chrome is properly resolving the target site's hostname (FQDN) to the correct IP address, by looking at Chrome's dns cache a few seconds after you try opening the site in ...
user1522091's user avatar
2 votes

Controlling Chrome extensions

The Manifest is part of the extension and should not be modified, so while the manifest is set up to allow access to all sites if the browser permissions block it the browser won't run that extension ...
Martin Barker's user avatar
2 votes

Chrome finds certificate fault for website on one terminal session only?

Sounds like the Google "distrusting" of Legacy Symantec PKIs. https://productforums.google.com/forum/#!msg/chromebook-central/c_OUU8KPIqQ/uJkWySlOBgAJ
techkilljoy's user avatar
2 votes

How to clear (remove/delete) certificate (ssl/https) cache from chrome browser?

I believe the following is the minimum required to clear the certificates out of the cache in Chrome 81. From the 3-dot menu (upper, far right), click "Settings". This opens a new tab. Just to ...
IAM_AL_X's user avatar
  • 261
1 vote

Why Windows 10 Blocks some LAN IPs (192.168..)?

I found the issue. it was my VPN app making my laptop from my lan as (invisible feature)
Faisal M's user avatar
1 vote

Lets encrypt ERR_CERTIFICATE_TRANSPARENCY_REQUIRED on chrome 68.0.3440.106

Add this header to your webserver (you need get a custom report-uri!): Expect-CT: enforce, max-age=300, report-uri="https://..."
Gergő's user avatar
  • 11
1 vote

Controlling Chrome extensions

Have you defined the ExtensionSettings via GPO under the Computer settings versus User settings in the respective GPO? Computer settings take absolute preference and will enforce. Also, the default ...
Odanap's user avatar
  • 61
1 vote

Chromium and SELinux

I've managed to get Chromium working while keeping SElinux and httpd in enforcing mode, but it means using a label which effectively sets Chromium into permissive mode: httpd_unconfined_script_exec_t ...
turrican_34's user avatar
1 vote

Why would Chrome ignore the X509v3 Subject Alternative Name in my cert?

There were a few problems with my cert. It had a duplicate basic constraint as mentioned above, but fixing that didn't resolve the issue. I did find that Chromium rejects duplicate extensions here. ...
pwan's user avatar
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