18 votes

Chroot SFTP - Possible to allow user to write to current (chroot) directory

Hey @emmdee It took me forever to realize there is a simple and nice trick to that. You just have to make root the owner of a parent folder to where you wanna sFTP, then use force command to tell a ...
African Idiot's user avatar
13 votes

yum/rpm Failed to initialize NSS library in chroot

Special thank you to TrevorH and jhodrien on #centos. The problem was that chroot prevents access to /dev/urandom (as desgined). The update installed to succeeded required those random bits to ...
Arlion's user avatar
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11 votes

vsftp: why is allow_writeable_chroot=YES a bad idea?

If the FTP credentials of a user (even a virtual user) with a writeable chroot get compromised, the attacker might conceivably be able to perform a ROARING BEAST ATTACK. To summarise my rough ...
Mark Amery's user avatar
8 votes

How to disallow the Docker Daemon to mount host's root file system into the container

SELinux will prevent anything not correctly labelled to be mounted as a volume inside a docker container, as proof, here using a single file, same policy applies to directories: $ sestatus SELinux ...
dawud's user avatar
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7 votes

SFTP suddenly failing for chroot accounts on Amazon Linux

Edit: This should be fixed in openssh-6.6.1p1-32.el7 per https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1398569 It appears after the OpenSSH-6.6.1p1-31 update, only the user's primary group is checked ...
Will's user avatar
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7 votes

Up-to-date alternatives of rssh or scponly

I recommend to just use the common chrooted internal-sftp that is included with most OpenSSH servers. SFTP clients are available on all operating systems so I do not see any problems with adoption. ...
Carlo Miguel Cruz's user avatar
6 votes

Is there a windows equivalent to chroot?

To solve this specific need (program assumes it's running off of a root directory), the SUBST command is probably what you want. It's a holdover from DOS, and still exists in windows 10. the SUBST ...
Mr. Beeblebrox's user avatar
6 votes

Why did the postfix default change to non-chroot processes?

If you download the Postfix source code and examine the HISTORY file, you can see that this change was made on the 1st October 2014 (Snapshot 20141001): New defaults for master.cf chroot (n), ...
Anthony Geoghegan's user avatar
6 votes

Chroot SFTP - Possible to allow user to write to current (chroot) directory

I know its been a couple of years, but this post got me 98% of the way there. after searching for a long time. To make it so that I can have users chrooted and automatically get them into their own ...
Joe's user avatar
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5 votes

How to let OPcache work correctly under chroot?

This is famous bug: https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=69090 which was present for years. But not anymore. So, update your PHP version, and add this to php.ini: opcache.validate_root=1 This will make ...
bibinka's user avatar
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4 votes

User can't SFTP after chroot

Centos 7 - I had the same issue - I tried everything under the sun to diagnose it - eventually I changed the sftp subsystem in '/etc/ssh/sshd_conf', restarted sshd (service sshd restart) and the ...
bryan hunt's user avatar
4 votes

bad ownership or modes for chroot directory component

In my case below steps worked. useradd -d /data/ftp/user1 -s /bin/false -g users -G sftponly user1 passwd user1 chown root:root /data/ftp/user1 rights for group & others chmod go+rx /data/ftp/...
W R's user avatar
  • 41
4 votes

bad ownership or modes for chroot directory component

After some troubleshooting today, I realized that root must also be able to write to the directories. The following did not work: $ ls -ld /mnt/synology03/files/ dr-xr-xr-x 1 root root 156 Oct 8 20:...
Magnus's user avatar
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4 votes

Up-to-date alternatives of rssh or scponly

One possibility is ProFTPD's mod_sftp module, which does just what you want (chroot, SCP/SFTP only, no shell). Hope this helps!
Castaglia's user avatar
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4 votes

A simple, step-by-step way of setting up of "jailed" SFTP-only accounts

OK, I finally got it working. There were a few things I was doing wrong, and obviously my attempts to do it over and over again screwed up some settings so I just hosed the instance and started from ...
nucleon's user avatar
  • 263
4 votes

chroot, gpg-agent, and Ubuntu 18.04

It actually was the .gnupg directory that could not be created. The home directory specified in /etc/passwd (/html) is relative during the SFTP session, but understood as absolute path during the ...
BurninLeo's user avatar
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3 votes

Running BIND9 In chroot on Ubuntu 16.04 xenial

I think, at its core, this boils down to a more general question about how to run something chrooted. The chroot directory which you prepare must contain all the files needed at run-time and if this ...
Håkan Lindqvist's user avatar
3 votes

How to disable systemcalls in ftp environment with vsftpd?

Commands that start with an exclamation mark ! escape the FTP client and are executed locally with the rights of your local user. The don't run on the server, actually they won't even reach the ...
HBruijn's user avatar
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3 votes

How to prevent sftp users from viewing some directories (inside their chroot directory)

The standard unix-style file permissions used by sftp does not support the thing you are looking for.
tlund's user avatar
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3 votes

Chroot jail not working with VSFTPD

It is an old thread I know. Had the same problem using debian wheezy on a Raspberry Pi and found out that everytime during login automatically the sftp-server became active (checked via ps -ef). ...
Rien's user avatar
  • 31
3 votes

Create Linux user with no capabilities

You can easily restrict what an SSH session can do if you use ssh keys and use the command= option in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys: Create a key pair for the user on machine1 that should initiate the ...
Sven's user avatar
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3 votes

Logging Chrooted SFTP user activity

Your assumption that /dev/log is a file that can be shared via bind-mounting /dev is incorrect for most modern linux distributions using systemd. Therefore, mounting your systems /dev into your chroot ...
anx's user avatar
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3 votes

Logging Chrooted SFTP user activity

If you do not use rsyslogd and use only journald from systemd, you can do the following (source https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/SFTP_chroot#Logging) (Please replace <OPENSSH_CHROOT_PATH> ...
beneth's user avatar
  • 31
3 votes

Bind mount - different results on CentOS 6 and CentOS 7

The source of the behaviour seems the changed default of the shared subtrees operation. The kernel documentation Documentation/sharedsubtree.txt mentions that private is the default, whereas actually ...
Thomas's user avatar
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3 votes

Execute half of the %post section of a kickstart in a nochroot environment and the other half in a chroot environment

%post --nochroot --logfile=/mnt/sysimage/root/ks-post.log cp /run/install/repo/script.sh /mnt/sysimage/root/ chroot /mnt/sysimage/ /bin/sh /root/script.sh %end
John Mahowald's user avatar
3 votes

How to specify user home in sshd config?

As I understand it, the problem you're facing is that the internal-sftp call is happening after the chroot is in place, thus the %h (as well as the attempted %d) is being expanded within the chroot. ...
Omar Buhidma's user avatar
2 votes

OpenSSH anything like 'internal-sftp' but for SCP?

Due to a weird coincidence, you don't need to change anything if the scp clients use OpenSSH ≥8.8. Means, you can then keep your current setup using ForceCommand internal-sftp to provide a SFTP server....
tanius's user avatar
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2 votes

Ubuntu - can non-root user run process in chroot jail?

It seems that with user-namespaces it is in fact possible to chroot without root. Here is an example program which demonstrates that it is possible. I have only begun to explore how linux namespaces ...
cheshirekow's user avatar
2 votes

"500 OOPS: vsftpd: refusing to run with writable root inside chroot()" - login failed on Debian

Just add seccomp_sandbox=NO to the configuration and restart the service with service vsftpd restart Then "allow_writeable_chroot=YES" will work also with newer vsFTPd versions (found in 500 OOPS: ...
Paul Neuwirth's user avatar
2 votes

Jailkit not locking down SFTP, working for SSH

Although I definitely feel doublesharp's pain (just ran into this problem as well), doublesharp's answer here should not be used (not secure). The problem here is that sshd's internal-sftp is being ...
back2school4good's user avatar

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