3 votes

Can two IIS Websites with nearly Identical Code Basis be sent to the same ColdFusion Backend?

As long as each application has a unique name in application.cfc, it should work fine. In application.cfc: this.name = “this-needs-to-be-unique”;
Redtopia's user avatar
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2 votes

Creating a local domain name for application server, on a box where port 80 is already in use

DNS A/CNAME records and ports are not related. Port 80 is just the default port for HTTP used by clients (e.g. browsers) and it's entirely possible to host one service at http://example.org:80 and ...
Sven's user avatar
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1 vote

ColdFusion log files - application.log

Well, I don't think you will find the answer satisfactory. First, the application log will be of no value in determining "if [the malicious people] retrieved any data from [you]". Indeed, no ...
charlie arehart's user avatar
1 vote

Coldfusion - IIS only one website down

If you are getting Error 500, then please ensure the bitness of both CF and IIS. Else, if you get Error 500.19 or any other, please ensure that you have permissions on \ColdFusion11\config\wsconfig. ...
Anit Kumar's user avatar
1 vote

Coldfusion Mail Service Stuck, Spool Folder Growing

On one of our production servers (coldfusion 8 for backward compatibiliy reasons), we encounter this problem as well from time to time, although quite rarely, maybe once in half a year or so. I put ...
Raffael Meier's user avatar
1 vote

How do you configure a Redis pod for use as a session datastore for ColdFusion within a kubernetes deployment?

A runtime service not being available typically means an invalid XML config file in your server home or a fatal error during the creation of the services. Check the full servlet out/error logs when ...
Brad Wood's user avatar
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How can I restore a ColdFusion 2016 server with license key intact?

Based on the investigation task, it seems that Coldfusion Server links itself to the actual machine. You can't just replace the license file with a new different file. So the only way to use a license ...
limacon's user avatar
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1 vote

IIS sc-win32-status 64 when using url rewrite over https and ColdFusion

After digging and digging, I found that this is a known issue related to IIS10 and http/2. Both Adobe and Microsoft got involved and Microsoft should be releasing a fix in April 2018. A short term fix ...
David Hammond's user avatar
1 vote

ColdFusion Production Server - Tuning for Performance

The most likely cause of your CPU maxing out the garbage collection - which actually is to do with memory. When you say "memory is stable", do you mean that the system shows that CF is only using the ...
andrew lorien's user avatar
1 vote

ColdFusion server instance is taking too long to start

This should help you. If you do not wish to save the class files, you can disable this feature in ColdFusion Administrator from Server Settings>>Caching
Anit Kumar's user avatar
1 vote

Search service installation on existing ColdFusion 11

You can download the installer from https://www.adobe.com/support/coldfusion/downloads.html#cf11devtools and install the same.
Anit Kumar's user avatar
1 vote

Is it possible to increase the Maximum number of simultaneous CFC function requests on ColdFusion 10 Standard?

In the Admin under "request Tuning" you will find a max number of simultaneous requests. 4 to 6 times your number of cores is a good rule of thumb. Also, if you are using IIS the maxworkerthreads ...
Mark A Kruger's user avatar

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