22 votes

How can I debug a docker container initialization?

In my case, the -a (attach to STDOUT/STDERR) flag was enough: user@machine:~$ docker start -a server_name Error: The directory named as part of the path /log/log_path/app.log does not exist. For help,...
claytond's user avatar
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12 votes

How can I enable logging for requests going through mod proxy

You can also append proxy:trace5 to your existing LogLevel directive If you have this LogLevel error Change it to this LogLevel error proxy:trace5 Be sure to change that back to normal after use....
yunzen's user avatar
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6 votes

Ansible: Is it possible to "cat file" and export it's output to screen while playing a playbook and not as debug?

The quote Jinja filter should solve the quoting problem. Use it like this: - debug: msg="{{ details.stdout_lines | quote }}" For the other question, I am not aware of a module to print ...
Henrik Pingel's user avatar
4 votes

centos 8: debuginfo-install can't find kernel-debuginfo package

There are two ways of doing this. On CentOS 8, You can modify /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Debuginfo.repo to set enable=1 and then run yum install kernel-debuginfo or You can do yum --enablerepo="...
irritable_phd_syndrome's user avatar
4 votes

How to send Ansible debug messages to another file?

Use local_action as under after capturing the output in a variable: - local_action: module: copy content: "{{ variable1 }}" dest: /tmp/whatever.out
Ravi OpenSource's user avatar
3 votes

How can I debug a docker container initialization?

Sometimes, you can find useful error messages by sshing into the node running the docker daemon and then doing: $ tail -f /var/log/containers/* /var/log/docker.log 2>&1 On 'Docker Community ...
user674669's user avatar
3 votes

How to get a debug output from the find command?

The man file for find has debug options you probably want find -D search -type d -name "something" 2>&1 it doesn't seem to be in the man file but find -D help prints search Navigate the ...
Roman A. Taycher's user avatar
2 votes

How to debug Ansible dict for failed ports with wait_for module?

For example, you can write the messages - debug: msg: | {% for i in wait_result.results|select('failed') %} {{ i.msg }} {% endfor %} , or create a list and ...
Vladimir Botka's user avatar
2 votes

Enabling javax.net.debug=all on Tomcat 8 breaks HTTPS with "EC AlgorithmParameters not available"

The problem is OpenJDK 8 dos not support elliptic curve ciphers when attempting to debug SSL connection (Eg javax.net.debug=all). Try update java-1.8.0-openjdk packages to fix this bug. See more: ...
Federico Sierra's user avatar
2 votes

How can I debug a docker container initialization?

When docker logs fail because container is not yet created, it's already possible to "attach" (with the docker run -a switch) the error message to STDERR (while keeping to STDOUT), e.g.: $ ...
mirekphd's user avatar
  • 125
2 votes

Using ftrace to spy on files being created?

/tmp/.ZendSem.sdiU42 is a lock file that was intentionally deleted right after it was created. This is sufficient to prevent this lock from being taken out by other threads. It also has the nice ...
John Mahowald's user avatar
1 vote

IIS10 PHP 7.04 pass through and show everything

Ensure if you have added this into php.ini: display_errors = On and I'm not sure if settings in php.ini are case-sensitive, just in case change E_all to E_ALL (in errors_reporting value).
M. Rekowski's user avatar
1 vote

What does "grabbed scoreboard slot" mean when running Apache in debug mode?

I was not sure if I was the right person to answer this here, since I am sure there are dozens if not hundreds of devs who can explain this much better than I, but let me try to do this... Briefly, ...
Daniel Ferradal's user avatar
1 vote

Crash utility exit with error in Rhel6.6

I had the same problem on 7.1.5-2.el7: crash: page excluded: kernel virtual address: ffffffff818129b0 type: >"cpu_possible_mask" and upgrading crash version to crash 7.2.3-8.el7 helped.
Jacek Tomaka's user avatar
1 vote

How to send Ansible debug messages to another file?

You can use the lineinfile module? - lineinfile: create=yes regexp="NONEXISTENTLINE" dest=/tmp/ansible.log line="{{logdata.stdout}}" state=present I use regexp="NONEXISTENTLINE" to allow the same ...
yarl's user avatar
  • 208
1 vote

Ansible: Is it possible to "cat file" and export it's output to screen while playing a playbook and not as debug?

I've looked deeply through the internet and checked with some Ansible professionals. As far as I understand, there's no such option in Ansible 1.8 to redirect the output of the command to the screen ...
Itai Ganot's user avatar
  • 10.8k
1 vote

Ansible: Is it possible to "cat file" and export it's output to screen while playing a playbook and not as debug?

I would bet that the problem is the quotes in the file you are cat'ing are mismatched and messing with the quotes in the msg. Maybe try: - debug: msg="{{ details.stdout_lines | regex_escape() }" or ...
lsd's user avatar
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1 vote

Strange behaviour ssh -> bash --> (tty no echo) --> c program?

I answer to myself for saying I have just found the problem I hope the following helps to anyone Finally I recompiled the ssh source code (openssh-5.3p1) inserting several 'traps' within the code to ...
user3834683's user avatar
1 vote

Analyzing BSOD dump file from Windows 2008 R2 SP1

This looks like the issue described in the following KB article: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/2359223 "0x0000003B" Stop error occurs in Windows Server 2008 R2 and in Windows 7 when an ...
learley's user avatar
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