3 votes

Remounting tmpfs with a different size during boot

I have a default entry [for /tmp ] in /etc/fstab which is being overwritten by the generator. Afterwards I'm executing sudo -o remount /tmp to remount the tmpfs with the correct size. This seems to ...
HBruijn's user avatar
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3 votes

PHP-FPM starts before the web folder mounts in /etc/fstab, throws error

You can configure the systemd unit to be started only after the mounts by adding the following configuration options either to the existing drop in file, or by adding another one if you don't want to ...
Gerald Schneider's user avatar
2 votes

How do I do 'mount --bind' in /etc/fstab?

In Addition to rely on an always existing drive, if you would use this entry to mount an external drive, the boot would fail while the drive is not connected. In Addtion to the solve this, there is a ...
djdomi's user avatar
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1 vote

PHP-FPM starts before the web folder mounts in /etc/fstab, throws error

While another answer helped for a time with a statement inside /etc/fstab, modifying the .service file ended up being my more reliable solution... We need some statements in the service config, but ...
Jesse's user avatar
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