5 votes

How do I move a Linux software RAID to a new machine?

Just wanted to add my full answer for Debian at least. Install the raid manager via --> sudo apt-get install mdadm Scan for the old raid disks via --> sudo mdadm --assemble --scan At this point, I ...
FreeSoftwareServers's user avatar
5 votes

NFS client fails with "Protocol not supported" even though the protocol is listed as available

Reboot server as per Zacq's comment Not the solution anyone wants to hear on a production Proxmox server, but it works. There must be an /etc/init.d/[something] restart type fix. Had exactly the ...
David McNeill's user avatar
4 votes

Fail2ban does not ban any ip-adresses with vsftpd

vsftpd.log deny log looks like: Wed Jun 29 14:57:37 2016 [pid 2517] [username] FTP response: Client "::ffff:", "530 Permission denied." and the default failregex WHICH isn't working in ...
voipadmin's user avatar
3 votes

Why shouldn't I use striping raid on the partition I boot from?

Because your boot loader (e.g. grub) won't know how to read from RAID-0 or RAID-5. Where did you find information that grub supports raid0? You should have a small RAID-1 /boot partition. UPDATE: I ...
rvs's user avatar
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3 votes

5 seconds for hostname -f and a strange DNS request

The order in which DNS queries are resolved is based on the contents of /etc/nsswitch.conf. Specifically, the order of the options on the line for hosts For example, this line will cause your machine ...
zymhan's user avatar
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2 votes

How do I move a Linux software RAID to a new machine?

An issue with a 4 disk data Raid0 separate from the OS disk when updating the OS from CentOS 6.2 to CentOS 8.2 brought me here. I was able to get use Avery's accepted answer above (https://serverfault....
Kestrell's user avatar
2 votes

rsync 'cannot delete non-empty directory' errors, even with --force option

Use rules in filter files instead of --exclude. These allow you to mark excludes as "persihable", which will let you delete non-empty directories which contain excluded files. See this answer for ...
mivk's user avatar
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2 votes

ejabberd having issue about undefined function

Looking at https://github.com/processone/xmpp/issues/42 xmpp_idna was removed from xmpp library in a commit from 22 September 2019, as released in version 1.4.2: https://github.com/processone/xmpp/...
Badlop's user avatar
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2 votes

After updating bind from 9.8 to 9.12, it does not start anymore with dnssec-validation auto

The error message no crypto support sounds like you missed a compile option. Run emerge --info | grep ^USE. You should find ssl in there. If not, you have to add it: Open /etc/portage/make.conf ...
Gerald Schneider's user avatar
1 vote

How to assign an additional IP to loopback

I figured it out myself: It is possible to add config_lo to /etc/conf.d/net and then assign this additional IP by restarting the net.lo service with rc-service net.lo restart. However......
svoop's user avatar
  • 145
1 vote

Install Gentoo (Do you need Internet/Stage 3)

The installation CD is the base medium to bolt into in order to have all the necessary tools to reach the part of the install where you'll use the stage3 tarball. The stage3 tarball is a precompiled ...
Ginnungagap's user avatar
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1 vote

Postfix: newaliases fails at postfix service startup due to aliases.db permission problems

The Gentoo mail-mta/postfix package's systemd service unit includes hardening options by default which do indeed sandbox the service. Specifically: ProtectSystem=full ReadWritePaths=-/etc/mail/aliases....
Ginnungagap's user avatar
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1 vote

Squid proxy has extremely slow connections when there is some load

Ended up disabling IPv6, that seems to have solved the issue.
Kenny's user avatar
  • 21
1 vote

Curl does not fall back to ipv4

It appears that you are successfully connecting to the port via ipv6, per the following message: * Connected to localhost (::1) port 8080 (#0) Since the connection has entered the ESTABLISHED state, ...
Citizen Kepler's user avatar
1 vote

Missing raid device in /dev/

I found the reason of this problem. I installed LVM and I added dolvm flag to grub.cfg and everything started working properly. (I had domdadm flag already added to grub.cfg)
Krzysztof Miksa's user avatar
1 vote

Can`t boot converted VM from KVM on VMware ESXI

The problem was ddb.adapterType parametr in vmdk file. First of all we need to convert uploaded disk vmkfstools -i /vmfs/volumes/datastore/DiskImage.vmdk -d thin /vmfs/volumes/datastore/DiskImage1....
shallrise's user avatar
1 vote

Run multiple PHP scripts through Monit

You can make a shell script that runs the PHP commands you need, and then you can invoke the shell script from Monit.
Tero Kilkanen's user avatar
1 vote

Fail2ban does not ban any ip-adresses with vsftpd

I think you have a typo in your jail.local. It's enabled = true not enable. You should check your fail2ban.log that contains a line like: INFO Jail 'vsftpd' started
sgargel's user avatar
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1 vote

sshd ignores authorized_keys and keeps trying authorized_keys2

I had the exact same issue with the same message in the error log. However, it was due to a wrong username used when connecting to a server. In other words, I was typing: ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_key myuser@...
Kelvin's user avatar
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1 vote

Virtualenv: Install python-ldap on gentoo

sudo emerge cyrus-sasl sudo USE="minimal" emerge openldap Now you can install python-ldap package from pip.
vigo's user avatar
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