2 votes

Routing with ipsec tunnel

Each router needs to have a route to all required subnets. From what I can make out from the routing table from the Office1 router(?) you posted, it's missing a route to through the ...
Zac67's user avatar
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Resolve failing for %any in strongswan ipsec

I used %any for right. Since then, I am not able to up my ipsec transport mode connection. But when i give specific ip, ipsec is properly established. IPsec, just like TLS or SSH, needs active ...
u1686_grawity's user avatar
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Strongswan IPsec site-to-site on Gcloud

I found the problem, in addition to opening UDP ports 500 and 4500 on Google Cloud Firewall it is necessary to add the ESP protocol Protocols and ports udp:500 udp:4500 esp
Pietro395's user avatar
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IPsec tunnel gets connected, Phase 2 is successful but no IP adapter is created thus tunnel does not work

leftsubnet= is probably not what you intended as that results in So the peer can narrow it to anything, but the narrowed subnet is also not ideal if you want to ...
ecdsa's user avatar
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Draytek VPN stuck on Authentica IKEv2 EAP

It's a broken router, this config works on other Draytek routers.
LemonFridge's user avatar
1 vote

Android .sswan profile to ipsec.conf

There are several issues I can see: leftcert is your own certificate, not the server's, which would be in rightcert, but... ...since that seems to be a CA certificate, you don't have to configure it ...
ecdsa's user avatar
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How to connect to a IPsec VPN with WireGuard client?

It is impossible -- different protocols
banderlog013's user avatar
1 vote

IPsec connection established but client not able to reach host until host pings the client

Two things I don't see in your config. Add a default route for the network you want to reach on your VPN device. Without a route for the specific subnet of the host the VPN device will forward all ...
Daniel Baker's user avatar
1 vote

strongwan disable user access

While there is currently no plugin to blacklist single identities (or certificates/keys), the whitelist plugin provides a way to whitelist all allowed identities. It comes with a command to manage the ...
ecdsa's user avatar
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Windows 11 L2TP and IPSEC: Where to set the IpSec group

The only IPsec related Windows built-in VPN clients are: IPsec IKEv2 L2TP/IPsec Windows has no built-in IPsec IKEv1 Xauth (Cisco-style) VPN client. Some people recommend the Shrew Soft VPN Client ...
Douglas Kosovic's user avatar
1 vote

How can I route traffic over IPSec tunnel?

I up this intersting post. I have a similar problem. Normaly ipsec manage the main route via the file ipsec.conf and the directive leftsubnet= and rightsubnet= So for he main ...
nel23 FX's user avatar

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