3 votes

Group Managed Service Accounts per service per server (Best practice?) and long names?

The separation of concerns aspect is going to largely depend on your environment and weighing the hassle of separating things versus the simplicity of sharing accounts in certain scenarios. I mean one ...
Ryan Bolger's user avatar
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How long it will take a newly registered Domain Name in Route53 to work?

I resolved this by adding Name Servers (NS) Manually to the Domain name under Domain registration. While creating/registering domain name, AWS added dummy or old address. Which I actually replaced it ...
vijayraj34's user avatar
1 vote

Create Azure Storage Account with Powershell Fails

Checked the Azure Rest API call and powershell for checkNameAvailability it's working fine. You need to check on the azure module version not the PowerShell version, i will check specifically the ...
Hannel's user avatar
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Is it good practice to name an admin account 'admin' or 'administrator'?

In Active Directory accountnames must be Unique and AFAIK the account named "Administrator" is one of the defaults that is created and best practice is that "use of the Administrator account should be ...
HBruijn's user avatar
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