4 votes

Emulate local directory as network drive

UNC uses the following format: \\servername\resource\pathname For example, to access the file test.txt in the directory "examples" on the shared server "example", you would look ...
bjoster's user avatar
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"[Errno 2] No such file or directory: b'net'" when trying to use Ansible localhost to connect to a Windows Shared Folder

The error messages says that the binary net is not found on the system. Hence, b'net'. This is an expected output because the net command is not available on Linux, it is a Windows command. How to ...
Bombaci's user avatar
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How is case sensitivity handled for SMB share names?

The actual spec says that the server operator can choose whether or not to use case sensitivity for requests. Windows defaults to "IsCaseInsensitive=TRUE", but other implementations could ...
mfinni's user avatar
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Network share with an untrusted domain

You were asked to configure a trust from two way to ONE way so that a that a share in PROD (and any other resource in PROD) is only accessible to PROD and NOT dev. Now dev users are unable to access ...
Greg Askew's user avatar
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What am I doing wrong? access-based enumeration not working with share-subfolders

When you create the folder DATA_AUTH\USER1 it inherits read permissions from DATA_AUTH as it's created. Disabling inheritance does not remove those permissions, they are grandfathered in, which is why ...
tsc_chazz's user avatar
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Network share with an untrusted domain

I think you are mistaking trust for access privileges. Trust means that you trust that domain to authenticate users, so that you can assign access privileges to that domain's users (in addition to ...
Zac67's user avatar
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Grant local impersonation user permission to share

You can either: create a local account with the same username and password and assign that account permissions to \\\SHARE or create a domain account with the same username and password ...
Greg Askew's user avatar
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Accessing Windows file server by alias name

Looks like the 3 things mentioned in the OP/question were the important ones. Some more info about the Kerberos SPN (point 3.): 3.1. Looks like if no SPN exists accessing the file share will still ...
DavisNT's user avatar
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Why lock on a file shared over SMB taking only 3 microseconds?

It is happening because Windows is using oplocks for locking -> https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/ifs/oplock-overview
Przemek's user avatar
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Unlock all Azure file share locks

I ran into this exact issue recently. You can unlock the file using the Close-AzStorageFileHandle command from the azure cli. After unlocking it you should be able to delete it. You connect to the ...
Diamondrubix's user avatar

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