2 votes

VNET peering with on-premise gateway transit not working properly

It sounds like your onprem Gateway doesn’t have a route to the (VN_Other) vía the S2S VPN
Christoph Berthoud's user avatar
2 votes

Is it feasible for a mobile app like a peer to peer torrent app to discover peers via Internet, not just direct Wifi?

Of course it's possible, this is the way all peer-to-peer networks operate. And yes, this includes (any)Torrent and Bitcoin. How to actually implement it, however, is way besides the scope of this ...
Massimo's user avatar
  • 71.3k
1 vote

In a Hub-Spoke configuration of VNets in Azure, do I need to create peer connections between spokes?

Without the routing through an NVA (which also requires you to enable transit explicitly on the VNet), VNet traffic is not transitive. If you have two spokes peered to an hub, they don't automatically ...
Stefano d'Antonio's user avatar
1 vote

VNET peering with on-premise gateway transit not working properly

Not only do you need a route defined on premises to route thru the tunnel, but your vpn appliance on prem needs to be aware that it should allow traffic from that address space. Once you do that, it ...
Michael Lecuona's user avatar
1 vote

share vnets between subscriptions in azure

According to your description, you have two Vnets in two subscription. If you enable Peering, the two Vnet could communication. But VNet peering is between two virtual networks, and there is no ...
Shui shengbao's user avatar

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