7 votes

How to use ssh hostkey from a Linux server with plink.exe on a Windows host?

You can use plink itself to get the host key: c:\> plink -v -batch host Connecting to port 22 We claim version: SSH-2.0-PuTTY_Release_0.68 Server version: SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_7.6p1 Ubuntu-...
Gerald Schneider's user avatar
5 votes

How to use ssh hostkey from a Linux server with plink.exe on a Windows host?

You can get the fingerprint of the key from the target host itself by running: $ ssh-keygen -l -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key.pub 2048 00:11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88:99:aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff /etc/ssh/...
bodgit's user avatar
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Auto-storing server host key in cache with plink

The accepted is answer is "acceptable", but unsecure. The best way would be to specify host key to plink to prevent any Man-In-the-Middle attack. plink -hostkey aa:bb:cc... root@REMOTE_IP_HERE [...]
Clément Moulin - SimpleRezo's user avatar
4 votes

Auto-storing server host key in cache with plink

PuTTY and plink.exe share the same cache of 'acceptable server keys' on the host they are installed on. So if your scenario is interactive (and hence your frustration not being heard when you press 'y'...
David Bullock's user avatar
2 votes

How to use plink to create SSH tunnel to database?

plink.exe webserverdomain.com -P 22 -l username -i C:\path to file\private.ppk -L -L [listen-IP:]listen-port:host:port Forward local port to remote ...
Jacob Evans's user avatar
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Connect to an SSH server over an HTTP proxy using plink and netcat

In Putty, in Configuration->Connection->Proxy, you can configure a HTTP Proxy directly without using ncat. In plink, you can refer to a Putty configuration. The help text says "host" can also be a ...
RalfFriedl's user avatar
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Slow SSH connection establishment with PuTTY but not with OpenSSH

It's likely DNS host resolving timeout after trying GSSAPI authentication. Plink use GSSAPI by default. In OpenSSH, both client and server, GSSAPIAuthentication disabled by default. Most likely on ...
gapsf's user avatar
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1 vote

Key forwarding with putty isn't working, but plink DOES work

Downgrading to putty 0.74 fixed the problem. I will see about filing a bug on putty. I also tried 0.75 which didn't work. edit: I got in touch with the putty project. It's a problem they know about ...
elyograg's user avatar
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Using Putty/plink to connect to remote MySQL from Windows machine using Port Forwarding and multi hop SSH tunnel

If there is no explicit requirement to use putty/plink, I would just use Windows built-in ssh for the purpose. It is the same SSH as in Unix.
Tero Kilkanen's user avatar
1 vote

Jenkins is asking: do you trust this host, store key in cache

Run the ssh client manually to connect to the host (as the user that your jenkins instance would use). Accept the host key. Afterwards the connection should work. You only have to do this once.
Gerald Schneider's user avatar
1 vote

Connect to an SSH server over an HTTP proxy using plink and netcat

Thanks you question, i success in Window 10 1903 via open ssh, below is my command: ssh [email protected] -o "ProxyCommand C:\Program Files (x86)\Nmap\ncat.exe --verbose --proxy-type http --proxy 127....
zizifn's user avatar
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1 vote

putty-tools issue, no output

You should have a look at the available entropy on your system. RSA key generation needs lots of entropy. I encountered some performance degradation on non prepared VMs (about factor 100). If cat /...
blafasel's user avatar
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1 vote

Sending keystrokes using plink

to avoid the "Enter" keystroke, you can add the -batch option : plink -ssh [email protected] -batch "conf terminal; ip scp server enable"
Sonic Youch's user avatar
1 vote

Sending keystrokes using plink

try using ' < ' insted of -m parameter. The final command will look like this plink -ssh [email protected] -pw password_something < do-stuff.txt > output.txt In this case, your do-stuff....
bjoster's user avatar
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Git, plink, and cmd.exe: how do I set plink.exe to be verbose when used as GIT_SSH

The "Plin" error is actually the first 4 characters of the returned error message from the Git server. Typically the account name passed in from 'echo %USERNAME%' when using plink.exe to provide the ...
Niels Andersen's user avatar

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