17 votes

Where and how is the password stored for the account associated with a Windows service?

Passwords for Windows services are stored in the registry under: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SECURITY\Policy\Secrets\_SC_<ServiceName> When you configure a Windows service to run as a different account,...
Ryan Ries's user avatar
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8 votes

Changing Desktop Solid Color Via Registry

the command line "reg add" works well. You can also import this registry: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 ; remove picture wallpaper [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop] "WallPaper"="" ; ...
Dave's user avatar
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8 votes

Force Windows 10 to load group policy from registry

Fiddling with registry keys is not healthy for group policies, instead, you should take a look at LGPO, this is a tool to export policy settings and import them. Then, Windows will create the ...
Swisstone's user avatar
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6 votes

Should I go with TLS 1.1/TLS 1.2 instead of SSL v3?

Yes, you should disable SSLv3 in favour of TLSv1.1+. SSLv3 & TLS1.0 are considered vulnerable to the "Padding Oracle On Downgraded Legacy Encryption" man-in-the-middle attack, which may lead to ...
Anubioz's user avatar
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6 votes

Windows 10 1809 - Region/language registry keys

That is five settings. HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Nls\Language!Default is set by Regional Control Panel, Administrative tab, Language for non-Unicode Programs. HKLM\SYSTEM\...
Greg Askew's user avatar
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5 votes

Delete all subkeys in a registry key

Excerpted from Working with Registry Keys: If you wanted to remove all items within HKCU:\CurrentVersion but not HKCU:\CurrentVersion itself, you could instead use: #Requires -Version 3.0 Remove-...
Major Malfunction's user avatar
5 votes

Is there a GPO or registry tweak to show taskbar buttons on taskbar where windows is open?

After running Process Monitor with registry filter I found out what registry value was changing when different settings were applied. Location: HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\...
clunkyorange's user avatar
5 votes

How do I configure proxy settings for LOCAL SYSTEM?

The Same thing can be done much easier in this way- & C:\windows\System32\bitsadmin.exe /Util /SetIEProxy LocalSystem Manual_proxy http://<proxyserver>:<proxy port> "<Any bypasses ...
Alan Jebakumar's user avatar
5 votes

DSC Syntax for Binary Registry Key

The format of the DSC MSFT_Registry Binary type ValueData is a string with contiguous pairs of byte values, with an optional leading "0x" The trick is this bit of code from the resource in $env:...
Matthew Wetmore's user avatar
4 votes

Does the DisablePagingExecutive registry change have any actual effect?

Just to add one additional use of this setting: it is needed by xperf stack walking. http://blogs.msdn.com/b/pigscanfly/archive/2009/08/06/stack-walking-in-xperf.aspx Disable Paging Executive In ...
Roland Pihlakas's user avatar
4 votes

Changing Desktop Solid Color Via Registry

You can change the desktop background for a user in the registry. First remove the wallpaper, if there is one: reg add "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop" /v WallPaper /t REG_SZ /d " " /f ...
Arete's user avatar
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4 votes

Windows 10 path limit error

You must use a specific instruction in the manifest of your application. <application xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3"> <windowsSettings> <longPathAware xmlns="http://...
Swisstone's user avatar
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4 votes

Can i update the windows registry entries for HKEY_CURRENT_USER values without elevated privileges?

The subkey HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\ Policies is special. Please check the security on it, you will notice your username is read-only and the built-in administrator's group is read/write. This is ...
yagmoth555's user avatar
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3 votes

Where and how is the password stored for the account associated with a Windows service?

While the actual encryption method may not be clear, accessing the data and requesting that the OS decrypt it on your behalf is a well-defined process - using PowerShell or the NirSoft LSASecretsView ...
Royce Williams's user avatar
3 votes

Can i get Source Path of Installed application?

Some installs will create a registry key 'InstallSource' with the uninstall information here: HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\*\ HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\...
xXhRQ8sD2L7Z's user avatar
3 votes

How to determine the date and time of most recent successful Windows Update run on Windows Server 2016?

Tested and this guy's find did work: Get-WmiObject -Class win32_reliabilityRecords -filter "sourcename = 'Microsoft- Windows-WindowsUpdateClient'" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | select @{LABEL = "...
Harrison Gibbs's user avatar
3 votes

Should I go with TLS 1.1/TLS 1.2 instead of SSL v3?

Unless you have a specific reason for not doing so (i.e. you need to support legacy clients), it may be best to enable the highest possible version of TLS (i.e. TLSv1.2), and disable everything else (...
iwaseatenbyagrue's user avatar
3 votes

Is it possible to detect the Windows Update status via registry, to see if the system is "fully updated"?

The closest to the registry that I can find is the Windows Update log file. The only other way is to access it through the COM API. I spoke with the manager at Microsoft in charge of Windows Update (...
Elliot Huffman's user avatar
3 votes

Is it possible to detect the Windows Update status via registry, to see if the system is "fully updated"?

Microsoft is now using the value UBR (Unified Build Revision) to identifiy the patch level. The value was first added in Windows 10 , but is now backported to Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 as well So, ...
magicandre1981's user avatar
3 votes

Power Plan setting doesn't match registry value

This is because the power scheme is being managed by Group Policy. Group Policy doesn't modify that registry key, it modifies the Group Policy registry key for that setting. You need to look here: ...
joeqwerty's user avatar
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3 votes

Converting Microsoft Security Essentials DateTime in registery to readable format

$data = Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft Antimalware\Scan" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty LastScanRun $time = [DateTime]::FromFileTime( (((((($data[7]*256 + $data[6])*256 + $data[...
marsh-wiggle's user avatar
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3 votes

Export a single entry of the registry

You can use Get-ItemProperty to get the name and value of a Registry Key. Working with Registry Entries Get-ItemProperty Sample Code: Get-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PowerShell\1\...
Rajiv Iyer's user avatar
3 votes

Microsoft Intune - How to modify Windows 10 registry settings?

Try: Set-ItemProperty -Path Registry::"HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon" -Name "AutoAdminLogon" -PropertyType "DWORD" -Value "0" -...
batistuta09's user avatar
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3 votes

How does Windows set the %SystemRoot% variable?

It's set in the boot process. It's not set in the registry, because the OS boot process needs to know where to find the registry files (and other OS files) before it can read them from the registry. ...
mfinni's user avatar
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2 votes

Changing Desktop Solid Color Via Registry

The changes on the registry are not applied immediately. A better alternative would be to use the windows function SetSysColors in C++. See this answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/19849675/3844137
daniol's user avatar
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2 votes

Changing Desktop Solid Color Via Registry

In Windows 10 1809, to set the wallpaper to Solid color: black (0 0 0) :: BackgroundType: 0 -> Picture | 1 -> Solid color | 2 -> Slideshow reg add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\...
Bangaio's user avatar
  • 190
2 votes

command line REGEDIT command (edit) without a popup

If you are accessing locations in the registry that does not require admin privileges you can use __COMPAT_LAYER environment variable.Just execute this before using regedit: set __COMPAT_LAYER=...
npocmaka's user avatar
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2 votes

How can I change owner of a Registry Key to which I don't have access?

You could use Helge Kleins excellent Set-ACL CLI tool: https://helgeklein.com/setacl/. SetACL.exe -on "hkcr\AppID\{9CA88EE3-ACB7-47c8-AFC4-AB702511C276}" -ot reg -actn setowner -ownr "n:S-1-5-32-544" ...
Gomibushi's user avatar
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2 votes

Apply local settings to Domain User

The simple answer is yes, local policies apply to all users on the machine. You should review the Microsoft Group Policy precedence carefully to understand how policies are applied. With that said, ...
Dan's user avatar
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2 votes

RegEdit Error "Cannot Find the File Specified" Accessing Key

I had a similar issue on my Windows 7 box. I eventually figured out that the key was a broken symbolic link. The built-in regedit tool does not seem to properly support these, and acts as described ...
Zero3's user avatar
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