3 votes

system center operation management ( SCOM ) log collection and full text searching

As I CyrAz says in Microsoft Technet Short answer : you can't, and you shouldn't. Use an actual log management system if you need one (LogAnalytics, ELK, Splunk...) Longer answer : you could create ...
sorosh_sabz's user avatar
2 votes

Dynamic grouping of machines based on "Managed by" Active Directory Attribute

After some research I found that someone already tackled this problem. Sort of. I modified this script. Got rid of the last couple of lines and added the logic below I needed. It is messy but it works ...
Fairy's user avatar
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1 vote

OpsMgr SDK Service Event ID 26219 - SCOM 2022

I finally figured this out after spending days on the issue. Turning on the Report Server HTTP Log allowed me to see what was happening. 06/17/2022 22:36:05 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM ...
Jessie's user avatar
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SCOM maintenance mode trigger based on PowerShell script on client

You can use Operations Manager Shell which is based on Windows Powershell Operations Manager Shell For scheduling a maintenance mode for any monitored server, you can use New-...
Rajiv Iyer's user avatar
1 vote

SCOM does not detect Apache or MySQL instances

The problem was caused by incorrect RunAs account configuration. The profile assigned for monitoring was configured with sudo elevation enabled. SCOM uses two profiles to monitor UNIX/Linux hosts: ...
Michał Sacharewicz's user avatar
1 vote

Win10 unable to send Corporate (Windows) Error Report on internal network

Have you made the requisite GPO change in Windows Components\Windows Error Reporting\Advanced Error Reporting Settings\Configure Corporate Windows Error Reporting - and have you made this change on ...
vigilem's user avatar
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SCOM Rule - NTFS - Delayed Write Lost

I think that using the "Maintenance Mode" is the right choice for you. Any server in SCOM can be switched to the maintenance mode for specific time period and it will suspend all monitoring workflows ...
Roman Yuferev's user avatar

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