15 votes

Running All Microsoft products vs VMWare/backup/AV for small network

If you are a 501(c)3 there is no reason to buy VMware. In fact, you should use TechSoup.org to get all the Microsoft and Cisco you can. Ideally you would be keeping track of donation cycles and ...
Todd Wilcox's user avatar
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11 votes

Do we need SCVMM in order to test Storage Spaces Direct in Windows Server 2016?

Currently we suggest SCVMM to our customers only in cases of four and more nodes. I can’t tell for sure whether you need SCVMM in your case, but our last customer with four servers and over 100 VMs ...
Shlee J. Piaz's user avatar
5 votes

VMM2016 and S2D doesn't allow to create HA VM

Please try the following: On the VMM and then Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager Server\Settings Change the value of ...
Net Runner's user avatar
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3 votes

system center operation management ( SCOM ) log collection and full text searching

As I CyrAz says in Microsoft Technet Short answer : you can't, and you shouldn't. Use an actual log management system if you need one (LogAnalytics, ELK, Splunk...) Longer answer : you could create ...
sorosh_sabz's user avatar
3 votes

Do we need SCVMM in order to test Storage Spaces Direct in Windows Server 2016?

SCVMM2016, PowerShell (that's what Microsoft pushes real hard), and there are some third-party products as well, but they are vendor locked-in so isn't really an option now.
BaronSamedi1958's user avatar
1 vote

OpsMgr SDK Service Event ID 26219 - SCOM 2022

I finally figured this out after spending days on the issue. Turning on the Report Server HTTP Log allowed me to see what was happening. 06/17/2022 22:36:05 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM ...
Jessie's user avatar
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1 vote

Slow backup of data from file servers with System Center Data Protection Manager 2019

So far, the following tweaks brought major improvements to the backup performance of data. Windows Defender Settings Default Windows Defender settings will slow down the backup performance. I modified ...
stackprotector's user avatar
1 vote

How to set a start number ID for Work Items on a new System Center Service Manager 2019 installation?

I founded a solution here. It's summarized below. Basicaly, there is this table in the ServiceManager database called the AutoIncrementAvailableRange table. This value stores the next available ...
Ricidleiv Tondatto's user avatar
1 vote

System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2016 Storage Status Reserved

seems it is not related to the issue i was facing, i had neglected to mark the vm i was creating as highly available.
GreatSamps's user avatar
1 vote

Disable NetBIOS using SCCM Configuration Items/Baselines

$adapter.settcpipnetbios(2) should be $nic.settcpipnetbios(2) Otherwise there would be no reason for the foreach loop.
Jimmy's user avatar
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1 vote

SCOM does not detect Apache or MySQL instances

The problem was caused by incorrect RunAs account configuration. The profile assigned for monitoring was configured with sudo elevation enabled. SCOM uses two profiles to monitor UNIX/Linux hosts: ...
Michał Sacharewicz's user avatar
1 vote

System Center 2012 location of the updates

What you did is not moving the downloaded updates, it moves the client-installation-packages. You need to move the WSUS storage. Use the wsusutil movecontent command: Changes the file system ...
Lenniey's user avatar
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1 vote

SCCM 2012 Full Inventory and Software Query

Based on your query, I think this is a normal behavior. Supposing you have 100 computers, and each has 30 software. Then 3000(300*10) records will be returned back in all. I recommend you divide the ...
Paladin Guo - MSFT's user avatar
1 vote

System Center 2012 Security

Don't use Domain admin accoutns for service accounts. if the service is compromised then your domain admin account could be as well. I would create separate user accounts for each service and give ...
Michael Brown's user avatar
1 vote

Cannot register new System Center 2012 Service Manager Data Warehouse after Service Manager database move

This is an old posting, but it's a situation I found myself in recently under the same circumstances. The problem I had was self-inflicted, when you go through the process of updating all the SCSM DB ...
Stuart's user avatar
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