18 votes

Windows Task Scheduler does not start task at next run time

I'm late to the party, but for anybody suffering from the same problem : When using a Daily schedule and the Repeat task every: option in the trigger's Advanced Settings, do not use Indefinitely in ...
user189695's user avatar
18 votes

This task requires that the user account specified has Log on as batch job rights

Had the same issue today. I added the user to: Administrative Tools -> Local Security Policy -> Local Policies -> User Rights Assignment -> Log on as a batch job But was still getting ...
deadlydog's user avatar
  • 468
17 votes

.NET Core console app fails from task scheduler with 0xC0000005

I searched and tried all kinds of solutions and the one that worked for me was to set the Start In option. Normally someone could have the full path in the Program/Script text box after browsing, ...
Breadtruck's user avatar
14 votes

This task requires that the user account specified has Log on as batch job rights

This is a user right that's applicable to the local system. You can grant the right locally or define it in a GPO that applies to the system in question.
joeqwerty's user avatar
  • 111k
11 votes

powershell scheduled task always shows running even once completed

Just a tiny note: If you run a task manually it will go to "running" in task scheduler library. Wait until your task finishes and then hit F5 to refresh.
Sniipe's user avatar
  • 211
11 votes

Task scheduler scheduled task at startup not working

I struggled a while with the same problem. In my case, the problem was the setting "Start the task only if the computer is on AC power".
Sebastian Badea's user avatar
7 votes

Create multiple triggers in scheduled task

The -Trigger parameter can take an array of ScheduledJobTrigger objects so for your example you can do. $trigger = @( $(New-ScheduledTaskTrigger -At 1PM -Once), $(New-ScheduledTaskTrigger -At ...
Persistent13's user avatar
6 votes

How to display more Task Scheduler logs?

Woaw, I found the solution myself : In Event Viewer, when the logs are displayed, click on "Properties" the right panel There you have an option "Max Logs (KB) :" where you can set the maximal size ...
db_ch's user avatar
  • 658
6 votes

Powershell Script will run but screen capture not completed, why?

Your problem is that by choosing "runs whether user is logged on or not", you're basically telling the task to run in session 0 which is not your logged on desktop. More detailed info is available in ...
Ryan Bolger's user avatar
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5 votes

How to make the task scheduler display the cmd shell when invoking a batch file?

After reading your post and requirement which I found matching mine requirements too. I did follow the following steps and could able to get my batch script running on desktop (in foreground); Under "...
Ashish Sarraf's user avatar
5 votes

How do I rename a task in Task Scheduled on Windows Server 2008 R2

Short Version You can't rename a scheduled task because that would change the SID the task runs as. The name forms the Security Identifier (SID) of the user the task will run as. Renaming the task ...
Ian Boyd's user avatar
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5 votes

Windows Server 2016 scheduled task schedule must be in future

FYI - I have confirmed with Microsoft through a support ticket I opened yesterday that this is a bug. The support tech confirmed it is internally classified as a bug and a patch is being developed. ...
Tom Collins's user avatar
5 votes

Windows Task Scheduler deletes batch file upon running it

It turned out to be Avast detecting the scripts as viruses and deleting them. It had to be configured to allow the .CMD files to be run by Task Scheduler.
Jez's user avatar
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5 votes

Task scheduler scheduled task at startup not working

You are executing this Task with "VM" user privileges. Does "VM" account have "Run as a batch Job" rights? How are you setting up your scheduled task, through local Task Scheduler or through DC GPO ...
toofat's user avatar
  • 311
4 votes

Windows Task Scheduler does not start task at next run time

I had similar issue. The task scheduler stopped working due to some reason at remote location. but when the machine restarted task scheduler did started. I told them to run the task scheduler job and ...
krishKishor's user avatar
4 votes

windows scheduled task is killed (timed out) too soon

The Trigger ExecutionTimeLimit has priority over the Task ExecutionTimeLimit. <ExecutionTimeLimit>PT20H</ExecutionTimeLimit> If both are specified, the Task time limit is ...
Greg Askew's user avatar
  • 36.8k
4 votes

powershell scheduled task always shows running even once completed

Even though the script was doing everything it was configured to it seems I needed to place all of the arguments inside quotes. Old arguments (everything completed fine but task hung): -...
Aaron O's user avatar
  • 81
4 votes

PowerShell script running from scheduled task: action failed to start, directory name invalid

Use the following syntax to run a PowerShell script in task scheduler: Program/script: C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe Add arguments: -NoLogo -Noninteractive -Noprofile -...
Sam Erde's user avatar
  • 3,469
3 votes

How to backup Windows Task Scheduler Tasks?

Use Powershell. On Windows Server 2008 R2 , you can use the following code; $x = New-Object -ComObject("Schedule.Service") ; $x.Connect() ; $x.GetFolder("\CustomTasks").GetTasks(1) | % {$_.XML | Out-...
Mer's user avatar
  • 991
3 votes

How do I create a task scheduler to restart a software service in Windows Server 2008 R2

Instead of creating a bat file, which can become corrupt or missing, you can create a scheduled task with multiple actions. One action to stop the service, and another one to restart the service. Both ...
Kurt Van den Branden's user avatar
3 votes

Windows 2008 R2 Task Schduler is raising the following error “0x41301”

It indicates the app is already running. Here it is an article described the ways to solve this: https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/office/en-US/82c22050-38b7-4612-a3e2-81d897687fac/task-...
batistuta09's user avatar
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3 votes

Windows Server 2016 scheduled task schedule must be in future

This problem only seems to affect tasks with the Repeat task every: ... option set. So far, I was under the impression that trigger at X, then repeat every 10 minutes is just a needlessly complicated ...
Heinzi's user avatar
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3 votes

Trigger a batch file when a user choose "Switch User" in windows

Best choice is to configure Advanced security audit policy and windows will register for you events about: User logon Workstation lock/unlock User logout and many others that may be useful to you. ...
Slipeer's user avatar
  • 3,313
3 votes

.NET Core console app fails from task scheduler with 0xC0000005

It could be that the error is because of permissions. Usually the taskscheduler runs a task with the system account and when you run the exe in usual way on windows, then you run it with your ...
Setorica's user avatar
  • 131
3 votes

Windows Task Scheduler: Why is the minimum frequency once per minute?

For the same reason that cron doesn't allow you to run tasks at schedules shorter than one minute: If you have a job that needs running more than once a minute, a scheduled task is the wrong tool for ...
Mark Henderson's user avatar
3 votes

Save scheduled tasks with powershell

You missed to supply TaskPath into Export-ScheduledTask cmdlet: -TaskPath [<String>] Specifies the path for a scheduled task in Task Scheduler namespace. You can use \ for the root ...
JosefZ's user avatar
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3 votes

How to change linux default scheduling method

You can modify the systemd unit which starts Jenkins to set the CPU scheduling policy, using CPUSchedulingPolicy=. Sets the CPU scheduling policy for executed processes. Takes one of other, batch, ...
Michael Hampton's user avatar
3 votes

Windows 10 run an interactive scheduled task to run for any interactive user

As you want the application to start when any user logs on, I'd suggest the builtin\users security context. If the application needs admin rights, you would need to do a few things differently. Here'...
sippybear's user avatar
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3 votes

Tasks Scheduler Windows High Availability

You create Windows Failover Cluster. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/failover-clustering/create-failover-cluster You configure clustered tasks. https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/...
BaronSamedi1958's user avatar
3 votes

Using Set-MpPreference to schedule Windows full and quick scans doesn't work

According to the documentation for the Set-MpPreference cmdlet, the -ScanScheduleTime parameter: Specifies the time of day, as the number of minutes after midnight, to perform a scheduled scan. On ...
Argy Megalios's user avatar

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