2 votes

.io auth. NS refuses UDP response to dnsviz.net – why shouldn’t I, too?

AFAIK The DNS protocol does not require that the request must be retried over TCP when contacting an authoritative name server fails via the default UDP transport. In practice blocking UDP will ...
HBruijn's user avatar
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.io auth. NS refuses UDP response to dnsviz.net – why shouldn’t I, too?

The normal mechanism to switch a client over to TCP for regular queries is to send a truncated response (response with the TC flag set). This is a common strategy used for implementing rate-limiting ...
Håkan Lindqvist's user avatar
1 vote

How does NGINX Plus handle server failure when doing session persistence for TCP/UDP communication?

It feels like the two might become mutually exclusive Yes. That's not a problem specific to nginx. By far the best solution is to have your session data replicated / highly available - but that's not ...
symcbean's user avatar
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Bad address translation in Kubernetes UDP service by kube-proxy with iptables

The solution was to do: modprobe br_netfilter on all worker nodes. Why? Pods on the same node are connected to the same bridge interface, which means they are connected on layer 2. This means that ...
ghik's user avatar
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UDP Port Forwarding

iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p UDP -i eth0 -d --dport 9999 -j DNAT --to-destination eventually add this if your FROWARD policy is not ACCEPTing all iptables -A FORWARD -p ...
exeral's user avatar
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iptables: redirecting inbound UDP to a different port, and response going out the "public" port

This is an alternative UDP redirector for MacOS and Linux; in addition to the usual source / target, it supports specifying the source / destination interfaces, as well as dropping martians (UDP ...
Dan Podeanu's user avatar
1 vote

Testing UDP port connectivity

According to @Zakaria and @Koray answers. Here is what works for me: On Connected port, STATE value is open: $ sudo nmap -sU -pU:53 PORT STATE SERVICE 53/udp open domain ...
kholis's user avatar
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