5 votes


I had the same problem. This post mentions that you need to indicate the name of the share and not the exact path: sudo mount.cifs -o credentials=/home/pierrejean/.smbcredentials_207 //
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How do I enable WideLinks on samba's recent release?

You still enable it using the same wide links option. Samba will automatically load the VFS module when needed. (The Debian bullseye package contains the module; if MX Linux is missing it, that's ...
u1686_grawity's user avatar
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Backup entire NILFS to remote location

There isn't any utility to copy snapshots across continents, and rsync definitely won't work. I see two possible options here: use DRBD. Create a DRBD cluster between your two sites. Protocol A ...
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listing open files from shared folders

According to my findings, thanks to VFS Modules, Samba does not keep File Descriptors for the files which are being shared and used, no matter what kind of normal file it is, with just one exception. ...
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