Ben Lessani's user avatar
Ben Lessani's user avatar
Ben Lessani's user avatar
Ben Lessani
  • Member for 12 years, 1 month
  • Last seen more than 2 years ago
2 votes

MySQL has failed, please contact the sysadmin (the result was "mysql is not running")

2 votes

How to track hits/viewing activity on an image file?

2 votes

Upgrading phpmyadmin (and other packages) on Debian Squeeze

2 votes

Is this a good behaviour?

2 votes

Cron job to run mutiple distinct times

2 votes

NameVirtualHost bad behavior on 2 IPs and 3 DocumentRoot

2 votes

Rate/Bandwidth limiting with haproxy, what are the options?

2 votes

How to configure GlusterFS for a low-latency read, async write setup with a volatile number of nodes?

2 votes

Stacking two Netgear GS748TS switches via HDMI - only 1Gbps trunk bandwidth?

2 votes

If DNS Failover is not recommended, what is?

2 votes

Secondary IP (eth0:0) acts like main server IP

2 votes

What's the difference of running ab locally and remotely?

2 votes

php-fpm version 5.4 with nginx constantly restarting

2 votes

SSH: Port Forwarding, Firewalls, & Plesk

2 votes

How to arrange web servers with Varnish?

2 votes

How do you build redundant Linux servers, such that clients don't lose connections on failure?

2 votes

Nginx and php are run by different users. Is this a bad idea?

2 votes

Pausing deletion of directories if load is high

1 vote

Sudo-ing Apache for a particular vhost

1 vote

Limit Database Size for a particular Package on VPS with cPanel

1 vote

IP address in production server suddenly conked-out

1 vote

How to install package version that was removed from backports?

1 vote

PHP-FPM chroot with chdir

1 vote

NGINX : Keep alive requests to static content ok - Keep alive requests to php-fpm requests hang until keepalive_timeout is reached

1 vote

Is this a latency issue or something else?

1 vote

NGINX redirect subdomain to sub directory

1 vote

can't start mysql due to: Manager of pid-file quit without updating file

1 vote

SSH Tunnel for Remote Desktop via Intermediary Server Part II

1 vote

set up single directory ftp access for customer on Ubuntu

1 vote

How to link specific ports to specific domains with Apache virtual hosts?