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Richard June's user avatar
Richard June's user avatar
Richard June
  • Member for 14 years, 1 month
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
5 votes

execute bash scripts through ssh

4 votes

Windows XP, have to use ctrl+alt+delete to log on as local administrator

3 votes

Loadbalancing outbound traffic while using openbgpd on freebsd

3 votes

Monitoring health (SMART data, temperatures etc.) of many remote computers

3 votes

Simple way to make wired internet wireless without router

3 votes

Setting up FTP users on Linux

2 votes

Blocking connections to a specific IP address by mac address in iptables

2 votes

If crontab executes at midnight, what will the current date be?

2 votes

Automatically mount partition when needed

2 votes

Is there an extremely simple CMS with In-Place Editing?

1 vote

DNS Override for a specific subdomain only?

1 vote

Windows Server: some services don't start at boot

1 vote

Asterisk interface to POTS

1 vote

Using Windows Server 2003's DHCP service to give different router to specific hosts

1 vote

Apache ProxyPass not serving php properly

1 vote

Apache ProxyPass not serving php properly

1 vote

How can I verify the integrity of a WAN connection?

1 vote

Multiple IP on same NIC : when could be useful?

1 vote

How to host multiple subdomain on another server

1 vote

iptables port forward forwarding

1 vote

Multithreaded downloading with shell script

1 vote

fedora Jconsole location

1 vote

how to copy text from xterm based terminal to some other gui application on linux

0 votes

NFS hide /export from path

0 votes

Clone a real server to a VPS

0 votes

How can I replace a physical router with a virtual router for colocating Windows Server 2012 machine with multiple VM's?

0 votes

Apache2 WebServer not allowing me to view website/files in /var/www

0 votes

Windows 2003 Server monitoring tool for file writing

0 votes

WordPress permalinks not working, everything seems fine

0 votes

problem with red5phone unable to connect