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Henk's user avatar
  • Member for 13 years, 2 months
  • Last seen this week
13 votes

Update Ubuntu 10.04

8 votes

Ansible playbook, create a user with the option --disabled-login

7 votes

Best practice for testing chef recipes?

6 votes

Turn on a Linux machine remotely

6 votes

How do I securly update a *BSD system?

5 votes

MySQL stopped asking for passwords

4 votes

Using vagrant and chef to setup a Windows VM in Ubuntu

3 votes

Change reception in postfix queue

3 votes

How does one get tomcat to bind to ipv4 address?

3 votes

Getting a list of all the snapshots in VMs managed by vCenter?

3 votes

Why won't Ubuntu Server 9.04 won't upgrade to 9.10?

3 votes

Monitoring VMware ESXi (free) vs. vSphere

2 votes

http benchmarking?

2 votes

Ubuntu 8.04 vs Ubuntu 10.10 for 256 ram server

2 votes

Best linux based open source firewalls with graphical user interface

2 votes

CRON: Module is unknown

2 votes

How to connect to MySql in another Ubuntu machine?

2 votes

Apache SSL certificate used branch on hostname

2 votes

How can I monitor daily spending on AWS?

2 votes

Malware scanners for apache log files

2 votes

Machine name resolves to wrong IP

1 vote

64Bit ubuntu and 32Bit apps

1 vote

Apache fast-cgi and php-fpm failing to run php file?

1 vote

Server returns http 504 error code for specific script

1 vote

How to setup redundant dns and dhcp servers with automatic dns updates on Ubuntu?

1 vote

Upgrade ubuntu 9.10 to 10.04

1 vote

Nagios simple dashboard

1 vote

RHEL (CentOS, SL) process performance statistics

1 vote

Is it possible to create and setup a virtual machine from command line?

1 vote

Ubuntu 10.04 LTS full /boot/