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Paweł Brodacki's user avatar
Paweł Brodacki's user avatar
Paweł Brodacki
  • Member for 13 years, 2 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
99 votes

Is a CNAME to CNAME chain allowed?

15 votes

How to wake a server after UPS Shuts it down when Mains power is restored?

6 votes

Resolving IP address conflicts on a LAN

15 votes

How do I use the locate command within a specified directory?

10 votes

Is this a critical RAID error?

10 votes

Determine process using a port, without sudo

3 votes

Real benefits of serial console servers (with modern server hardware)?

0 votes

Remote Desktop with 3 different operating systems

0 votes

ext3 will trim be supported?

3 votes

ext4 stable enough for databases?

0 votes

IBM IMM Remote Control

1 vote

Virtual Desktops : 8 am when everyone comes in

1 vote

Which policy do you follow for maintain your VMs?

3 votes

MySQL where's the my.cnf path?

3 votes

How to identify missing dependencies when installing from source code?

2 votes

VMware VMFS5 and LUN sizing - multiple smaller datastores, or 1 big datastore?

0 votes

Why are some users still using the old DNS records?

1 vote

Building linux infrastructure that similar to windows solutions

0 votes

How to prevent taking snapshots after threshold in VMware ESXi?

1 vote

linux procfs file times

0 votes

Unable to resolve host name on certain ISP

3 votes

Moving an existing Linux into an LVM

1 vote

Why Remove Shell Access for the Apache/Nginx User?

1 vote

Harddrive / Raid1 issues

2 votes

Multipathing vs. bonded connections

1 vote

how do i list remote print queues in aix?

0 votes

How can I install packages from the RHEL6's Optional Channel via Kickstart?

10 votes

100% uptime for a web application

11 votes

Database server: Small quick RAM or large slow RAM?

7 votes

Database scalability with write-heavy application

2 3 4 5