There is a documentation on the Cloud SQL for Cloud Run connection(https://cloud.google.com/sql/docs/postgres/connect-run), but it contains the following line:

Note: These instructions require your Cloud SQL instance to have a public IP address configured.

Is there any way to use Postgres Cloud SQL from Cloud Run if Cloud SQL does not expose public IP address(uses private ip)?

1 Answer 1


The Connecting to Cloud SQL from Cloud Run page, states and I quote verbatim "Note: These instructions require your Cloud SQL instance to have a public IP address configured."

Private IP access is done so via a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), in order to access your instance through a VPC, the resource you are connecting to and from needs to be a part of the same VPC.

Cloud Run doesn't currently support VPC access, so you'll need to use have a public IP for now, there's already a Feature Request to enable this kind of functionality.

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