Without changes in infrastructure If I execute any kubectl command, ie:

kubectl get nodes

I get the error

You must be logged in to the server (Unauthorized) 

The kubernetes cluster was opperating ok and I did no changes to it... Any ideas how to debug this? kubectl has no -vv od debug flag to provide more information.

If i try

kubectl version

Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"17", GitVersion:"v1.17.0",
error: You must be logged in to the server (the server has asked for the client to provide credentials)

14 Answers 14


In my case the issue started after renewing kubernates certificates, this caused the existing ~/.kube/config to have outdated keys and certificate values in it.

The solution was to replace the values client-certificate-data and client-key-data in file ~/.kube/config with the values from the updated file in /etc/kubernetes/kubelet.conf of the same name.

  • 3
    For me the new keys in /etc/kubernetes/kubelet.conf had paths to the pem files. I had to do sudo base64 -w 0 /var/lib/kubelet/pki/kubelet-client-current.pem and paste the output of that into ~/.kube/config for the matching keys.
    – cstack
    Feb 19, 2021 at 18:14

You can copy the client-certificate-data and client-key-data from /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf to your ~/.kube/config file as of more recent versions of Kubernetes. See this answer for determining when your certificates expire.


I have faced the similar issue today and the above comments helped me to fix the issue. I am adding more details with my scenario because it might be helpful for the people which have similar settings.

I have a separate user for connecting to my k8s cluster (It's a normal cluster in EC2 instances). I had created the user arunlal with limited access by adding ClusterRoleBindings.

If you get the following error while running API to cluster (in my case Kubectl):

error: You must be logged in to the server (Unauthorized)

Go through the following order.

- First check the cert used in your config file (local client)

I had a separate configuration on my local system, because the main config had the details about the other k8s & okd cluster credentials. So I had created second configuration on my Laptop (/Users/arunlal/.kube/config_two). In this case I have the following aliases:

alias kctl="kubectl --kubeconfig=/Users/arunlal/.kube/config_two"

- From this file you will get the cert that we are using.

[[email protected] ~] cat /Users/arunlal/.kube/config_two| grep -A 5 users
- name: arunlal
    client-certificate: /Users/arunlal/.arunlal-keys/arunlal.crt
    client-key: /Users/arunlal/.arunlal-keys/arunlal.key

- Once you get the cert in your client configuration you can check the validity using the openssl command.

    [[email protected] ~] openssl x509 -noout -dates -in /Users/arunlal/.arunlal-keys/arunlal.crt
    notBefore=Jun 22 23:43:22 2021 GMT
    notAfter=Sep 30 23:43:22 2021 GMT

- Validate the expiry

While creating the user I passed the days as 5, that was the issue. How I created user?

openssl genrsa -out arunlal.key 2048
openssl req -new -key arunlal.key -out arunlal.csr -subj "/CN=arunlal/O=crybit"
openssl x509 -req -in arunlal.csr -CA /etc/kubernetes/pki/ca.crt -CAkey /etc/kubernetes/pki/ca.key -CAcreateserial -out arunlal.crt -days 5
kubectl config set-credentials arunlal --client-certificate=/root/arunlal-keys/arunlal.crt  --client-key=/root/arunlal-keys/arunlal.key

- To fix, I recreated the cert with more number of days

openssl x509 -req -in arunlal.csr -CA /etc/kubernetes/pki/ca.crt
-CAkey /etc/kubernetes/pki/ca.key -CAcreateserial -out arunlal.crt -days 100

- This we need to run from the k8s cluster.

- Replaced the cert locally.

Modified /Users/arunlal/.arunlal-keys/arunlal.crt with new cert.

Hope this will help someone. Thanks!

~ arun


I got the same after updating certificates:

kubeadm alpha certs renew all

And then I had to follow

$ cd ~/.kube

# Archive the old config file containing the out of date certificates
$ mv config conf.archive.2021

# Copy the new configuration file created using kubeadm
$ cp /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf config

# apply permissions to your current admin user and group
$ sudo chown $(id -u):$(id -g) config

Kubernetes version : 1.19


  • 1
    how to known the certificate expired?@Sachith Muhandiram
    – Dolphin
    Aug 3, 2022 at 18:48
  • 1
    @Dolphin, kubeadm certs check-expiration Jun 8, 2023 at 9:50

The kubeconfig certificate may have changed. If you deployed your cluster using terraform. Do terraform apply to generate a new kubeconfig file.


In my case I was using a cluster created by kOps and cluster admin user with credentials (~/.kube/config) generated by: kops export kubeconfig --admin

By default the credentials expire after 18 hours. So another:

kops export kubeconfig --admin

Did it for me.


You can also use this command to troubleshoot issues with your current certificate. This command reads the client-certificate-data from your kubeconfig file, decodes it, and then uses OpenSSL to display the details:

grep 'client-certificate-data' $HOME/.kube/config | \
awk '{print $2}' | base64 -d | openssl x509 -text

Credit goes to this blog post by Scott Lowe for the original information.


Fixed - after all the cert has changed. Check your ~/.kube/config if you have this

  • 2
    What did you change in ~/kube/config? And why would certificates change?
    – Matt
    Sep 2, 2020 at 12:34
  • no idea... but it was very small difference
    – Wojtas.Zet
    Sep 2, 2020 at 14:48
  • how do you figure out the right cert? Dec 31, 2020 at 14:38
  • compared the cert with backup files I had. No idea how it got corrupted
    – Wojtas.Zet
    Jan 4, 2021 at 10:40

I'm getting "error: You must be logged in to the server (the server has asked for the client to provide credentials)" in Azure Kubernetes service.

I fixed this with trying to connect and executed the command mentioned on the Connect to ClusterName.

az account set --subscription de81a6e3-1784-4732-9282-XXXXXXXX7
az aks get-credentials --resource-group resourceGroupName --name clusterName

I fixed the issue by deleting minikube

minikube delete 
minikube start --vm-driver=none

After renewing your certs you need to apply the new certs to the admin config for kubectl to work.

The following takes a backup of your existing config, and applies the new admin config.

cp /root/.kube/config /root/.kube/.old-$(date --iso)-config
cp /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf /root/.kube/config

In my case using AWS EKS what solved the problem was:

aws eks --region <region code> update-kubeconfig --name <cluster name>

I had the same problem in AWS eks. I created cluster by cloudformation and then tried to connect from instance with different role.

By default only USER/role that was used to create eks cluster is permitted to connect to eks. It is controlled by kubernetes config map with name: aws-auth (iam role that give permission for instance to connect Kubernetes need to be configured not only in aws IAM but also in eks config map.....).
For example if I created cluster from cloudformations not by jenkins then I was needed to add jenkins role in aws-auth config map to be able to connect jenkins to cluster:

mapRoles: |
  - rolearn: arn:aws:iam::XXXXXXXXXXXX:role/testrole
    username: testrole
      - system:masters

This helped me: https://repost.aws/knowledge-center/eks-api-server-unauthorized-error


It means in the aws-auth file the role is missing from which you are logged in. In my case, someone else created a cluster and when I created a new bastion host it threw the same error. When I edited the role in the aws-auth file it worked. Now the question is how can I access the aws-auth file? It was a public cluster you can access it through AWS Cloudshell. In Cloudshell type command eksctl edit configmap and edit your role. then you must be able to access the cluster.

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