I have the following in my Apache config:

<VirtualHost *:80>
  VirtualDocumentRoot /var/www/hosts/%0
  ServerAlias *.test.galapagos.office

In /var/www/hosts, I have a directory called jason.test.galapagos.office and one called bill.test.galapagos.office. If I go to jason.test.galapagos.office in a browser, I get what I expect to see. Same with bill. In other words, everything is working perfectly.

However, I'm not quite satisfied with what's going on. Instead of /var/www/hosts/jason.test.galapagos.office and /var/www/hosts/bill.test.galapagos.office/, I'd like /home/jason/web and /home/bill/web.

How can I tell Apache to map to those subdirectories instead?

Thanks, Jason

2 Answers 2


Try this:

<VirtualHost *:80>
  #VirtualDocumentRoot /var/www/hosts/%0
  VirtualDocumentRoot /home/%1/web
  ServerAlias *.test.galapagos.office

I believe that will sent requests to "jason.test.galapagos.office" to "/home/jason/web"

The full list of VirtualDocumentRoot directives can be found here:


0     the whole name
1     the first part
2     the second part
-1    the last part
-2    the penultimate part
2+    the second and all subsequent parts
-2+   the penultimate and all preceding parts
1+ and -1+     the same as 0
  • That's precisely what I was after. The "%1" was the key part. Thank you. Sep 20, 2010 at 18:17

Could this change work?

VirtualDocumentRoot /home/%0/web

Or you may consider enabling mod_userdir, that by default would look like http://test.galapagos.office/~bill/

  • That wouldn't quite get me what I want. With that solution, my directories would still have to look like this: /home/jason.test.galapagos.office/web instead of like this: /home/jason/web. Sep 20, 2010 at 18:15

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