I am using a custom bash script to spin up/down EC2 instances as needed. The script creates the instance similar to: knife ec2 server create --config .chef/knife.rb with a few other parameters. It creates the instance fine but I want to be able to assign my elastic ip to the current active instance.

Short of sending the output to a text file, parsing the output for the IP and instance name, and then running ec2-associate-address -i $instancename $ipaddress is there a good way to do this programmatically?

I believe I'm over thinking this.

2 Answers 2


You might want to look at the Opscode "AWS" cookbook which contains a LWRP for attaching elastic IPs to AWS instances.


Found two answers. You can script your own setup using the Fog ruby gem:

gem install fog

Or follow the tutorial here with Perl:


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