I have a directory named:


I want to cd into it but the cd complains:

bash: cd: -2: invalid option

With no success, I've tried:

cd "-2"
cd '-2'
cd \-2

Any solution?

Edit: no file browsers like mc, etc. available on the server.


6 Answers 6


At least two ways:

  1. Use the -- argument.

    cd -- -2

    This uses a convention common to GNU tools which is to not treat anything that appears after -- as a command line option.

    As a commenter noted, this convention is also defined in the POSIX standard:

    Default Behavior: When this section is listed as "None.", it means that the implementation need not support any options. Standard utilities that do not accept options, but that do accept operands, shall recognize "--" as a first argument to be discarded.

    The requirement for recognizing "--" is because conforming applications need a way to shield their operands from any arbitrary options that the implementation may provide as an extension. For example, if the standard utility foo is listed as taking no options, and the application needed to give it a pathname with a leading hyphen, it could safely do it as:

    foo -- -myfile

    and avoid any problems with -m used as an extension.

    as well as:

    Guideline 10:
    The argument -- should be accepted as a delimiter indicating the end of options. Any following arguments should be treated as operands, even if they begin with the '-' character. The -- argument should not be used as an option or as an operand.

  2. Specify the path explicitly:

    cd ./-2

    This specifies the path explicitly naming the current directory (.) as the starting point.

    cd $(pwd)/-2
    cd /absolute/path/to/-2

    These are variations on the above. Any number of such variations may be possible; I'll leave it as an exercise to the reader to discover all of them.

  • 25
    It's not just GNU, it's part of the POSIX standard. See 1.11 Utility Description Defaults and 12.2 Utility Syntax Guidelines (guideline #10). From the cd page "The cd utility shall conform to... section 12.2". Jan 3, 2013 at 23:40
  • Now I am just curious on how to cd to a directory named --!
    – sergiol
    Jan 4, 2013 at 14:58
  • 2
    @sergiol The same way. Jan 4, 2013 at 15:10
  • 1
    @ArtB: No. Quoting just affects field splitting. So "hello world" is one argument but hello world is two, and "-2" is the same as -2. Jan 4, 2013 at 20:42
  • 1
    @sergiol: Either cd -- -- or cd ./-- should work. Jan 5, 2013 at 2:31

This should work:

cd -- -2 

-- means no more option


This will work if '-2' is in current directory.

    cd ./-2

You can autocomplete by typing - and pressing tab.


cd /home/...../-2 also works. Give the full path to access. 


Just to complement, if you'd like to remove/delete this directory you can use the following command:

rm -r -- -2
  • ...and just to complement, I would never do that, rather I will use graphical tool like mc or I will rename the directory first.
    – Nick
    Nov 22, 2018 at 12:58

I know this question has already been answered. If anyone has a situation like mine, this is for them:

I ran a java app and it was looking for a directory starting with <path>, I was supposed to replace that with proper path before running the app. However, I forgot to do that. The app created a directory called <path>.

I tried to cd <path> - gave me error "-bash: syntax error near unexpected token newline" Based on the suggestion here (I understand that its for directory starting with - and not <) I tried cd -- <path>. However, I got the same error.

When I tried cd \<path>\ - this worked!


The symbols "<" and ">" are used to redirect STDIN and STDOUT, therefore they need to be escaped in order to make the shell not interprete them as redirects.

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