Is it possible to extract drivers from a server?

I have an operational HP server that I want to repave but I can't seem to find a version of smartstart that enabled windows server installer to recognise the disk array (i.e. no disks/controllers are discovered), nor can I find any specific driver installation that works.

My hope is that I can extract the working disk / RAID drivers from the machine and load those drivers during the windows installation.

Any thoughts?



1 Answer 1


Self Answer: Yes, it is. Turns out you can use powershell to extract any custom drivers installed.

The meat of it is:

Get-WindowsDriver -online | % { $dir = Split-Path $_.OriginalFileName -Parent ; $subdir = Split-Path $dir -Leaf ; $driverDest = "$destination\$subdir"; Write-Host "Copying $dir to $driverDest\$subdir" ; Copy-Item -Path $dir -Destination $driverDest -Recurse }

Source: http://blogs.technet.com/b/mniehaus/archive/2013/09/16/grabbing-out-of-box-drivers-from-a-windows-8-system.aspx

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