I have a basic application which was created with heroku but at the time of creation there was no mention about regions. As a result my application region is US instead of India.

Are there any problems by being in a region that I don't belong to? I've looked at herokus migration guide but I would like to avoid those many steps to achieve a region change.

1 Answer 1


The speed of light is a problem.

If all your visitors are in India, but your server is in the US, then your site will be slower for those visitors. You might get a significant reduction in latency and increase in throughput by moving the site closer to its visitors.

  • Ok so is there a way to do it rather than follow the migration guide that heroku has? I can delete and create a new app and specify a region this time but do you by any chance know if there's a direct way to go about this? Feb 1, 2019 at 9:30
  • I moved everything away from Heroku some time ago, so I don't know of any shortcuts, only following their official guides. Feb 1, 2019 at 13:33

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