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2013 Moderator Election

nomination began
May 13, 2013 at 20:00
election began
May 20, 2013 at 20:00
election ended
May 28, 2013 at 20:00

On Stack Exchange, we believe the core moderators should come from the community, and be elected by the community itself through popular vote. We hold regular elections to determine who these community moderators will be.

Community moderators are accorded the highest level of privilege on our community, and should themselves be exemplars of positive behavior and leaders within the community.

Our general criteria for moderators is as follows:

  • patient and fair
  • leads by example
  • shows respect for their fellow community members in their actions and words
  • open to some light but firm moderation to keep the community on track and resolve (hopefully) uncommon disputes and exceptions

Every election has three phases:

  1. Nomination
  2. Primary
  3. Election

Please participate in the moderator elections by voting, and perhaps even by nominating yourself to be a community moderator!

My Motivation

I feel that in any field community involvement makes everyone better. Communities allow us to learn from one another, to make use of resources we might not otherwise have had, and to build pride in your work. As a rule technologists tend towards anti-social making community involvement all the more important.

All too often new professionals are thrust into the role with no real training and, at best, a large amount of zeal. Providing this as an open forum, and encouraging a community that people want to join, supports professional growth in ways never before attainable.

About My Contribution

I have long been an active member of the StackExchange network joining ServerFault during public beta. I want this to be a site where I could proudly display my name to my peers. I see this site as a professional endeavour, and as such, I want the professionalism to be evident. I try to keep the standards high by way of editing and flagging. The best examples of that work is the fact that I was the seventh user to earn the Deputy badge, for submitting helpful tags, and am easily on the first page of editors.

I joined SF 3 years and 9 months ago.

Since then, I've gathered badges, reputation, and friends.

I'm both skilled and knowledgeable, both with the plain-old Linux/windows server stuff, but also in the network and systems design and architecture fields. I'm never afraid to answer some of the off-the-wall questions, such as "What happens when you cross-over a switch" and "HELP, my rack's on fire".

I'm also a big advocate of tag-cleanup operations, and closing duplicate questions in favour of building canonical answers. I'm also very active in spam eradication, flagging both here on SF, and also when the spammers hit across the network.

Day-to-day, when not answering questions, (or asking them!), I'm usually in The Comms Room

As I'm based in the UK, I can cover the moderation queues for the UK/EU/UTC timezone effectively.

Elected mods generally have higher rep than I do, but thought I'd put my name is as someone who is active in other ways:

  • Voting: most active voter on SF (27,000 votes) and on all of SE (70,000 votes)... I've also done the most close vote reviews on SF and the most re-opens.
  • Meta: very active on meta.SF - currently I seem to have the highest "participation," and I'm active enough on meta.SO that I don't get treated as an outsider there.
  • Active in Chat, although I'm busy during the peak hours and miss lots of the juicy stuff...
  • There are a few other SE sites I used to be quite active on (Cooking, Bikes, SciFi) and I still keep an eye on them but haven't been posting or voting as much this year.

Another minor point in my favour is that I'm in a time zone that is currently understaffed by mods (PST).

As to why I want to be a mod... I think there are quite a few regulars who'd do a good job, I put my name in because I'm willing to step up and help keep the site running as smoothly as possible.

I've been on SF since near the beginning. I'd like to help.

I've been a moderator on Bicycles since its launch in 2010. I helped guide that community's site to graduation, and continue moderating. Feel free to stalk me on bicycles. The SE community staff know me from the moderator chatroom.

I'm frequently active in ServerFault's chatroom, and other SE chatrooms.

I've been a sysadmin for over a decade. Primarily Linux, but a bit of VMware, MacOS, Windows, SAN, NAS, etc...

I'm knowledgeable and experienced with our site's topic, with the site, and with Stack Exchange moderation.

As a moderator, I would be gentle, firm and polite. I would try to act only in ways that are backed by clear community consensus, and quick to admit (and fix) my mistakes. I'd be quick to close questions that clearly need to be fixed before they can be answered, and very reluctant to act when things are borderline.

I have been actively involved with this group since its inception. I have actively involved in submitting questions and answers so that this group becomes a good reference source. Now it seems I have been working more in the background by handling reviews of entries in the review queues. Statistics show that I have been quite active in my reviewing.

I have flagged questions and answers where appropriate. Although there have been disagreements with my flags, my accepted percentage is quite high.

When I see good answers I provide the author credit. I have downvoted questions and answers when appropriate.

Finally, I have actively participated in the meta site, in trying to promote new ideas, and report problems that could affect the user experience.

I believe that moderators, as system administrators, work generally in the background. This means that the great efforts provided by these people are not usually noticed in a well working environment such as this one.

I have a long background as a programmer, project lead, project manager and of course my love as a systems administrator/manager. I have extensive UNIX/Linux experience and significant Windows exposure.

While I've been here for less than a year, I've managed to rack up 35K+ reputation in that time. What's not apparent is how much I've learned from this high quality community. I've probably learned more than I've taught here.

My motivation for nominating myself as moderator is to preserve Server Fault's high quality environment, and improve it even further when possible. My current research project is to find a way to remotely deliver electric shocks to spammers.

I am most often active during US evenings and overnights.

Now I'll let the community speak for me:

Seriously the most erudite and polite response I've received anywhere on StackExchange. Thank you. – Jeremy Wadhams May 2 at 15:05

This is something that most new users should get linked to at some point. – Andrew B Apr 3 at 19:58

There was more, but this box is length-limited.

It is I, Evan Carroll. I'd like to nominate myself for the job. Why? Simple, because I'm the best person for this job. Here are some of my values,

  • Integrity: I've got more of this than any of the other candidates. I am literally the embodiment of Integrity; it's my superpower.
  • Honesty: I've never lied before, not even once.
  • Humility: It's kind of like humbleness, and that's pretty much me. I think I do it better than everyone else too.
  • Fairness: When in doubt, I'll err on the side of the worker. In any conflict between those that do work and answer questions, and @JeffAtwood or Stack Exchange, you can bet I'll pick the side of the worker. There is nothing fair about kissing up to the power structure.
  • Knowledge: This one is prime here. I know a lot about things that take a steady flow of electrons -- if you get my drift...

Feel free to ask questions, because after all no list of my values is complete without,


Who would disagree that we could use more transparency at Server Fault? What would you do if an admin gives you information, or tries to communicate with you? I'd post it to Wikileaks.

Thanks for your time, make the right vote! Vote me!

I'm Ravi Mohan, but I go by Journeyman Geek on stack exchange -I'm a trusted 20K user on SU, and while I'm not quite at those epic levels elsewhere, I'm fairly well known to on SF chat, tho somewhat less so on the site proper. I'm a general purpose IT monkey at a small family firm, as well as a Computer Forensics and Information Security Management undergrad,though I'm looking at switching to bigger things once I'm done with my degree.

I'm familiar with the site culture, and with the need to balance quality control, to keep and attract the crusty, battle scared, knowedgable old school sysadmins, with trying to steer clueless and semi clueless newbies to the right venues for asking their questions. I have a reasonable number of flags, admittedly mostly things that would be closevotes had I sufficient reputation.

I believe I can bring a kinder gentler touch to moderation without compromising on the things that make SF awesome. I believe whether or not I win, that standing in this election will likely help me be a better SF user, since it highlights things I can be better at, in the blinding spotlight of public attention. Regardless of whether I'm chosen as mod, I gain something.

This election is over.