We have the following environment:

Company A Forest companya.com Exchange 2010 SP3 (SMTP domain companya.com)

Company B Forest companyx.com Exchange 2010 SP3 (SMTP domain companyb.com)

I am thinking of using multi-forest hybrid migration to 1x O365 tenant.

However, I saw somewhere on the Internet that Exchange 2010 does not seem to be supported in this scenario.

Can someone please confirm this for me?

Thanks in advance.


2 Answers 2


Exchange 2010 is supported until October 13, 2020.


You can also use FastTrack migration service for free if you have 150 or more licenses purchased. They will help you plan and execute your migration to Exchange Online.


  • 1
    Thanks Jevgenij for the great information! Mar 4, 2020 at 11:19

I didn’t hear this limit. Multiple forests, each with their own hybrid connection into a single Office 365 tenant, is supported from Exchange 2010 to 2019.

You could refer to the following thread: https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/azure/en-US/72fde8d5-ef55-48c9-acd0-0f344f49d533/multi-forest-exchange-hybrid-with-single-o365-tenant?forum=onlineservicesexchange

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