How can i get the total records in my DNS Server (Windows Server 2003 - Active Directory Environment)

Is it possible to get this information via Powershell/wmi ?


So far i used this with Powershell:

& "d:\AdminTools\SupportTools\Windows2003\dnscmd.exe" SERVERDNS /enumrecords domain.local . > output.txt
gc output.txt | measure-object | select count

Any suggestions ?

  • Are you looking just for a total count or do you want to enumerate all records? Also, you looking for just a zone or for everything on the entire server?
    – squillman
    Jan 27, 2010 at 18:45
  • I want the total count for a specific zone
    – Xavier C
    Feb 10, 2010 at 13:41

1 Answer 1


How about a simple batch file...

@Echo Off
rem Enter the location of the Windows Support Tools below
set @SupportToolsLoc=c:\Program Files\Support Tools

rem Enter the domain name you want to count below
set @DomainName=foo.com

rem Enter DNS Server Name below, or a period for the local server
Set @DNSServer=.

set /a @RecordCount=0
"%@SupportToolsLoc%\dnscmd" %@DNSServer% /enumrecords %@DomainName% . >DNSRecords.txt
for /f "skip=1 tokens=*" %%f in ('type DNSRecords.txt') do set /a @RecordCount=!@RecordCount! + 1
set /a @RecordCount=!@RecordCount! - 1
If "%@DNSServer%"=="." echo There are !@RecordCount! records in the domain %@DomainName% on the local server
If not "%@DNSServer%"=="." echo There are !@RecordCount! records in the domain %@DomainName% on the DNS Server %@DNSServer%
del /q DNSRecords.txt

Hope this helps,


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