Ubuntu 10.4 Server.

I have a dumb non-interactive legacy service which is running constantly on my server.

It is writing its log to a file with fixed name (/var/log/something.log).

It does not handle any signals to let go of the log file. I need to rotate that log file.

Is there a way to do this properly without changing the application and without losing any data in the log?

4 Answers 4


Ignacio's answer intrigued me so I did some research and came up with the Perl script below. If your service will write to a named pipe it should work and be usable with logrotate.

For it to work you need to make your logfile into a named pipe. Rename the existing file then

mkfifo /var/log/something.log

and to edit the 3 filenames to meet your requirements. Run your service then this daemon which should read the named pipe and write it to a new logfile.

If you rename /var/log/somethingrotateable.log then send a HUP to the daemon it will spawn itself and create a new somethingrotateable.log to write to. If using logrotate a postrotate script of kill -HUP 'cat /var/run/yourpidfile.pid'

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use POSIX ();
use FindBin ();
use File::Basename ();
use File::Spec::Functions;
# Change the 3 filenames and paths below to meet your requirements.
my $FiFoFile = '/var/log/something.log';
my $LogFile = '/var/log/somethingrotateable.log';
my $PidFile = '/var/run/yourpidfile.pid';

# # make the daemon cross-platform, so exec always calls the script
# # itself with the right path, no matter how the script was invoked.
my $script = File::Basename::basename($0);
my $SELF = catfile $FindBin::Bin, $script;
# # POSIX unmasks the sigprocmask properly
my $sigset = POSIX::SigSet->new();
my $action = POSIX::SigAction->new('sigHUP_handler',$sigset,&POSIX::SA_NODEFER);
POSIX::sigaction(&POSIX::SIGHUP, $action);

sub sigHUP_handler {
#    print "Got SIGHUP";
    exec($SELF, @ARGV) or die "Couldn't restart: $!\n";

#open the logfile to write to
open(LOGFILE, ">>$LogFile") or die "Can't open $LogFile";
open(PIDFILE, ">$PidFile") or die "Can't open PID File $PidFile";
print PIDFILE "$$\n";
close PIDFILE;

sub readLog {
sysopen(FIFO, $FiFoFile,0)  or die "Can't open $FiFoFile";
while ( my $LogLine = <FIFO>) {
    print LOGFILE $LogLine;

Log to a FIFO, then run a daemon that connects to the other side of the FIFO and has signal handlers that allow you to rotate the log.


Send SIGSTOP to the process, copy the log to another name, truncate the log, send SIGCONT to the process, perhaps like this:

pkill -STOP legacyappname
cp /var/log/something.log /var/log/something.log.backup
cat /dev/null > /var/log/something.log
pkill -CONT legacyappname

You could also have logrotate do the magic for you with carefully crafted pre and post rotation scripts and the copytruncate option, like so:

/var/log/something {
    rotate 5
        # This assumes you have a pid file, of course.
        # If you don't, this could instead be a pkill like above.
        kill -STOP `cat /var/run/legacyappname.pid`
        kill -CONT `cat /var/run/legacyappname.pid`
  • Interesting option, thanks. What will happen with socket connections to the app and from it during the stop? I'm worried about disconnects. Oct 11, 2010 at 19:02
  • Also, the app is being run under runit. What will its monitor do if the app process is stopped? Oct 11, 2010 at 19:03
  • The behavior of the connections would depend on the timeout they are set with and the time it takes to do the actual rotation. I wouldn't imagine that you'd run into any trouble there unless the logs are enormous. I don't have any experience with runit so I couldn't tell you how the monitor will react to stopping the process.
    – mark
    Oct 12, 2010 at 11:54
  • Seems to work perfect with systemd, the service still shows as running well before the log rotation took place. And I am assuming if the particular pid I was stopping, would the child processes of the pid continue running? Feb 23, 2017 at 3:42

You could try to let the application log to a named pipe and have some program (for example syslog-ng) that supports proper log rotation mechanisms read the log entries and log them to a file.

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