How do I export table "practices" from db1 into db2? How do I do all tables from db1 into db2?

With Mysql, fill in the blank. What do I type at the prompt:

  • Why are you asking first for one table then for all tables? Is there a specific issue you're working on or is this something like a homework problem? Oct 20, 2010 at 17:33
  • @Bartimus: I anticipate doing both in the near future and thought I'd avoid doing 2 separate questions. Oct 21, 2010 at 12:40

2 Answers 2


Create new table in DB2 that's a copy of practices in DB1:

Mysql> USE DB2;
Mysql> CREATE TABLE practices SELECT * FROM DB1.practices;
CREATE TABLE `db2`.`practices` SELECT * FROM `db1`.`practices`

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