
Does anyone know of software that can run on a Linux (CentOS) web server that will take user uploaded material, convert it to TIFF-F and either return the converted TIFF-F file to the user or e-mail it as an attachment? It can be written in PHP, JAVA, RoR or Perl.

1 Answer 1


I'd recommend installing ImageMagick -- it's probably available through your package manager of choice. It comes with a myriad of command-line tools to process images. The one you want is convert, which can be used to transform images (or any of it's other supported formats) via

convert $INPUT_IMAGE -monochrome -compress fax $OUTPUT_TIF

You can then take the output file and email it with any of the methods described in this question.

  • ImageMagick is the swiss army knife of image manipulation. Jun 7, 2009 at 2:52
  • +1 convert is all you ever need for image conversion. :) Jun 7, 2009 at 7:37

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