I'm trying to use the htscanner PECL extension on my CentOS 5/PHP 5.2.6 machine, but there's a bug in the latest version where a newline character is added to the end of every php_value directive. This behavior causes my include_path and error_log values not to work.

The bug and the patch are documented on the PECL site: http://pecl.php.net/bugs/bug.php?id=16891

I've downloaded the latest version, applied the patch, and re-compressed the package — but I can't get the PECL installer to accept it — or any local package, for that matter.

I've tried every variation of the pecl install syntax that I can think of, and the only times I'm able to get it to work, it downloads an online copy first and ignores the local copy.

Can anyone recommend a method for installing a PECL extension from a local file? Thanks for your consideration.

1 Answer 1


If you have the (patched) extension source code locally you can bypass PECL entirely:

# cd extension_dir
# phpize
# ./configure
# make
# make install

(phpize is a binary that comes with PHP - It prepares the extension to be compiled, the rest is pretty straightforward).

  • 1
    Perfect, thanks! One note: phpize && ./configure --enable-htscanner && make — I added --enable-htscanner as per the included README.
    – JKS
    Jan 6, 2011 at 20:06

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